Definder - what does the word mean?


A young nineteen year old woman who is currently the role model to teenagers everywhere. The amazing Demi Lovato had suffered from eating disorders, cutting, bullying and basically everything most teenage girls go through. After being in rehab for three months she came out to share her story and inspire millions.
Her first album, Don't Forget, went gold.
After only a couple of short months, her first single off her new record Unbroken, Skyscraper, went gold, proving that she is the most talented Disney star, or, rather I should say she is the most talented singer I have seen in a long time.

Demi Lovato is gorgeous. Flawless. Pretty. Amazing. Inspiring. REAL. No one is perfect, but she's damn close.

No one with a heart, brain or soul can not like her. Only the devil himself would tell Demi she's nothing above.

1: Have you heard Selena Gomez's new single?
2: Please, she's old news. Demi Lovato's single went Gold. I love her!
1: What's so great about her?
2: Um, everything. She saved my life.
1: How?
2: Haven't you head her story?
1: What story?
2: Wow.. Just wow.

👍739 👎459



DEMI LOVATO - what is it?


"Quit being such a Demi Lovato and instead, practice what you preach!"

👍127 👎61

What does "DEMI LOVATO" mean?

Another talentless auto tune abusing narcissistic egotistical bitch that comes out of no where like lil tay or Danielle Bregoli. She got famous probably a cheap way more than likely by sucking music industries dicks. Younger generation loves her because she's popular, not because she has unique voice, almost like fidget spinners that everyone wants because someone esle does, and all fidget spinners do it spin, nothing cool. Her music sounds like any other singer today, very generic, bland pop and nothing unique. Cant wait for the younger generation to grow up so they can realize they all listen to garbage and make people who say stupid shit famous.

Tasteless Trash worshiping sheep: Hey look its Demi Lovato, I wish I could be her

Me: You can just go on live television and say something retarded or suck a lot of big businesses dicks then start your own shitty music that people will by just because you're well known

👍169 👎75

DEMI LOVATO - what does it mean?

A young American singer-songwriter/actress. She is Disney's newest starlet. But unlike most, she has an amazing amount of talent. Her voice gives people chills and she writes her own material. She also plays guitar and piano. Demi's debut album "Don't Forget" comes out September 23 2008.

Demi Lovato is so amazing.

👍1807 👎1001

DEMI LOVATO - meaning

A wonderful singer and actress who is a good role model to many young girls.

This girl however is hated by jealous immature girls who claim she "stole" Joe Jonas.

Get over yourself girls. You'll probably never have a decent conversation with the boy.

She is also disliked by hard core Miley Cyrus fans who cannot deal with the fact That Demi will be kicking Miley out on her ass.

Bestfriends with fellow actress Selena Gomez.

Person 1: Dude it's Demi Lovato! I love her!

Person 2: I know, she is so awesome!

Person 3: I hate her.

Person 1 and 2: Why?

Person 3: She took Joe and she is trying to take Miley Cyrus's spot!

Person 1&2: Those are such stupid reasons.

👍2727 👎1405

DEMI LOVATO - definition

Disney's latest tween idol, but unlike Miley Cyrus, actually has a lot of talent.
Pretty much the only reason Camp Rock rocked.
Probably going to be "the next big thing", and in fact has been introduced as so by Disney.
Has gained lots of "haters", most of them 10 year old girls who think they will someday become "Mrs. Joe Jonas"
Will probably be a big thing for a while, not a few years like current reigning pop queen Miley Cyrus.'

Francesca-Hey, did you see Camp Rock on Friday?
Beatrice-Heck yes I did!
Francesca-Wasn't Joe just a dream?
Beatrice-Joe? I wasn't even paying attention to him. Demi Lovato rocks!
Francesca-Ewwww, I hate her!
Beatrice-Why? She's frickin awesome!
Francesca-Well, I guess she's okay...but it's so disgusting how clingy she is with Joe! Miley's so much better. She would never do anything like that!
Beatrice-No comment.

👍3361 👎1613


An amazing actress, singer, and teen sensation. Knocked Miley Cyrus off her pedestal and is the reigning Disney queen. Pretty and talented. Hates by jealous, immature tweens who believe that they will one day marry a Jonas Brother. Also hated by insane 12-year-olds because not only is she one of the most talented 15-year-olds, but because Nick Jonas called her "cute". She is the definition of what a real role model should be.

Kat: Hey, did you hear Miley's new single "7 things"?
Sue: HELLS TO THE NO! I don't listen to that slut! I prefer the more talented Demi Lovato. I just created a definition for her on Urban Dictionary
Kat: really?
Sue: Yep! But jealous tweeny boppers with no lives are gonna give it lots of 'thumbs down'

👍10625 👎4841


A 15 year old female most known for her character on "Camp Rock" or "as the bell rings" disliked by millions of girls for 'stealing' Joe Jonas, though she's only playing a roll in a movie. Remember girls. You have to have something in order for it to be stollen. Not trying to be mean here. I have an insanely huge crush on Joe myself, but I try to keep it under my skin. She is a brunette girl with bangs and an amazing voice. She can play the guitar, piano, sing, act and dance so I say she's pretty talented.

most girls should stop hating and start being jealous. She's just a girl like 51% of the world.

Person 1: Wow, I hate Demi Lovato.
Person 2: Um, why?
Person 1: because she is TOTALLY clicking with Joe!
Person 2: She's playing a role...
Person 1: SO! I still don't like her.
Person 2: Do you even know her?
Person 1: No..
Person 1: Exactly.

you can hate their
dnace moves,
face ( :o )

but not them.

👍4535 👎1813


A professional singer (and former actress) who is known for her role as an X-Factor judge, and for her music. Having released four albums she is very successful in her career, and has worked with many other famous people.
Starting out in 'Barney and Friends', Demi worked with Disney to become the lead actress of Camp Rock, Princess Protection Programme and Camp Rock 2, as well as an actress on the TV show 'sonny with a chance'. Demi left her acting career in 2010/2011 to pursue her music more.
Demi is known for her personal struggle with eating disorders, and she has been diagnosed as a bipolar individual. She went to rehab in October of 2010, and came out in January of 2011. Although Demi thought she would no longer have a career after rehab, this was proven false by the support of her fans and the responses she got to her song 'Skyscraper' which she made after treatment.
Demi is now very active in anti-bullying campaigns, and tries to support victims of eating disorders and bullying. With her fourth album 'DEMI', Demi has experienced a swell of success, and is due to come back to X-Factor this year.
Today she has few critics, as her success in her career and personal life has silenced all credible critics.
She sings very well live, and her voice is a powerful and intoxicating drug that is hard to get over when you start listening to it. She writes almost all of her songs, and the success of her song writing skills prove in the amount of fans and views she has gained.

Friend: Have you heard about Demi Lovato's new album?
Friend 2: Yeah, I love Heart Attack! It's so cool!
Friend: I just feel like I can really relate to her.
Friend 2: Yeah, she's incredible. Even after suffering through what she did, she's still strong, and she's still amazing. Her voice is gorgeous!

👍399 👎123


Actress who won't stop smiling.

Demi Lovato: *smiles* I'm so embarassed!

👍3591 👎1013