Definder - what does the word mean?

What is DEEP?

Uk slang for when you want to understand and take in something that someone said or happened.

*mate gets stabbed* help! you should’ve done something!
*other guy* bro deep it, what could i have done to save you?

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DEEP - meme gif

DEEP meme gif

DEEP - video


DEEP - what is it?

A person who can sit aside their own thoughts beliefs and ideas to use critical thinking concepts.

He just came by to sit with me when my mom died. He just held my hand and didn't say a word.

Wow. That's deep.

Aware selfless I got you deep I'll be there

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What does "DEEP" mean?

when you look into something more closely or "deeping life" is more common where someone is self-reflecting themselves or evaluating themselves or when you think of something with more consideration and where not expecting that something to occur.

"Just deep it was never expecting my man to do that."

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DEEP - what does it mean?

Something like a rhyme/poem/quote/rap that shows feeling or makes a lot of sense (inspiration)

(Expression) - Woah!! That's deep
J.Cole said "What's money without happiness? Or hard times without the people you love?" (This is deep)

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DEEP - meaning

1. Difficult to understand.
2. Very intense, profound, or intriguing.
3.(Sound) Low pitch
4. (Color) Dark and intense
5. Of great depth or low placement. Specified distance from the top, surface, or edge.
6. Number of people

1. That's too deep for me.
2. His art is deep.
3. He's a deep baritone.
4. It's a deep purple.
5. The pool gets very deep near the diving board.
6. We rode 4 deep.

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DEEP - definition

to realize something

We have a math test tomorrow, I just deeped it

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DEEP - slang

Deepest part of ones anal cavity.

The police searched the deep of my Anus for drugs, I had an itch in the deep of my anal cavity.

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When someone thinks something means more than it does ,or overthinks it

β€œWhat if he didn’t text me back because he doesn’t love me anymore”

β€œMan stop deeping it ,he probably just hasn’t seen your text yet”

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Used when someone is taking something too seriously

Calm down bitch, it’s not that deep.

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The situation at hand does not require such desperate actions or "stop being so dramatic"

Person A: I'm going to die if I don't get tickets to see one direction!
Person B: It's not that deep

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