Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Cutie's?

Hazel Karooma-Brooker who played Anne Boleyn in Six the Musical. She is a living definition of cutie

Cathy "I need 5 letter word describing a cutie."
Anne "Do you have any letters?"
Cathy "Yeah, it starts with H and ends with..."
Anne "HAZEL!!!"
Cathy "... That's the word I was looking for. Thanks"

👍211 👎49

Cutie's - meme gif

Cutie's meme gif

Cutie's - video


Cutie's - what is it?

Definition 1: all of you reading this

Definition 2: A disgusting pedophile Netflix movie about little girls twerking

"Hey man wanna watch cuties on netflix today?"
"Bro fuck no what is wrong with you"

👍105 👎23

What does "Cutie's" mean?

Someone who is attractive and sexy! That can ease the soul. Just seeing them and being around them can make life so much more pleasant, taking your mind of all the problems in the world. A person that is not hard to give one's self to fully. They are also full of energy and inspiring. Mmmmm

Alexandria A. G. from Mount Pleasant MI <3 You Cutie!

👍2771 👎641

Cutie's - what does it mean?

A 2020 Netflix original used to catch pedophiles.

Plot: 11 year old Amy joins a group of other 11 year olds who practice twerking for a dancing contest. This angers her mother because she is 11 years old and being a whore. Somehow the mother is the villian because she is being rational.
Idea of the movie: Sexualizing kids is bad, let's sexualize kids in a movie to show it's bad.
Note: They actually got children to twerk in the movie, and it's on Netflix, and they haven't taken it down yet. And they won't.

"Have you watched Cuties? Would you suggest it to me?"
"Well unless you're a normal person, yeah, give it a try."

👍87 👎19

Cutie's - meaning

(adj.) The perfect combination of cute and beautiful. Only applied to those who have these qualities in excess.

The blonde I met was hella cute and dressed to impress; she definitely has cutiful status.

👍231 👎39

Cutie's - definition


"You are beautiful and special, and I love you, cutie."

👍971 👎163

Cutie's - slang

a mix of 'beautiful' and 'cute'

'awww isnt ruth cutieful'

👍105 👎17


A disgusting new movie that Netflix is making that glorifies pedophilia, and shows 11yo, FUCKING 11YO TWERKING.
And by the way, this shit it TV-MA, you know this director wanted to make this movie for Epstein's buddies.

Cuties scares me, and it should scare you.
This whole "MAPS" community is complete bs, and all it is, is pedophilia. It is a mental illness, and any grown adult suffering from it needs to find some help.
I've seen a lot of people countering this by saying, "well back then being LGBT was considered a mental illness!"
Difference between being gay, and being a pedo, is that the former is consentual, and happens between fully-developed adults.
The latter doesn't, and current science proves that children do not have fully enough developed brains to consent.
I hope to God Pedos are never accepted into society, but if it happens in my day, I think I'll just commit Seppuku.
Fuck Netflix for aproving this shit.

👍787 👎97


When someone is so cute and adorable it's just unmeasurable!

Teddy you are just pure cutiness!

👍81 👎11


The person reading this

You are a cutie

👍2569 👎159