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What is Cincinnati Chili?

When you eat Cincinnati style chili off of your woman’s ass.

We ordered some Skyline chili and I ate it Cincinnati Chili bowl style.

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Cincinnati Chili - video


Cincinnati Chili - what is it?

the act of mixing your shit and vomit to create this fluid mixture then pour some on a long roll, and feed it to your fat bitch.

Conner: Yo dude, i think i just drank to much vodka.
Kasandra: Well, im kinda hungry. Here shit in this jar, then throw up in it.
Conner: WTF?
Kasandra: just do it
Conner: (HE throws up and shits)
Kasandra: ( she pours it into a longroll)
*she then proceeds to eat it
Coonner: Dudeeeeee What the fuck is your deal...not cool
Kasandra:Mmmm....Cincinnati Chili Cheese favorite midnight snack

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What does "Cincinnati Chili" mean?

This is an STD that is contracted from individuals from Cincinnati, Ohio. The symptoms include pain with urination due to defecating from the urethra of the penis or the vagina and urinating out of the asshole.

"Hey man I hooked up with this chick that I met over the weekend in Cincinnati but I think she gave me the Cincinnati Chili Bowl because I can't stop shitting out of my cock and pissing out of my asshole!"

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Cincinnati Chili - what does it mean?

When a man shits on a girls chest, then titty fucks her. Generally used in southwest Ohio.

Jon gave Sarah a cincinnati chili dog.

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Cincinnati Chili - meaning

A rare feat only known to have been performed thirteen times in recorded history. The act involves a person (man or woman) vomiting on a second person who happens to be taking a dump on a clear glass table that a third person is lying beneath and looking up through.

The real reason the Beatles broke up was that Ringo felt slighted when he wasn't included in the Cincinnati Chili Bath.

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Cincinnati Chili - definition

This culinary barbarity from Cincinnati, Ohio is really a hoked-up spaghetti sauce that consists of a faux weak chili flavored with spices such as chocolate, cinnamon, allspice, and possibly Worcestershire.

This goop is spooned on pasta (of all things!) and topped off with ingredients such as chopped onions, shredded Cheddar cheese, beans, and crushed oyster crackers. Cincinnatians who specify Five-Way Chili get the works: all of that.

A trip to Ohio would not be complete without sampling some Cincinnati chili, and enjoying the dribbling diarrhea that it both resembles and may result from it.

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Cincinnati Chili - slang

The time honored practice of Cincinnati Chili-ing a lady implies digital stimulation of the vagina with spice-coated fingers, during the woman's menstrual period.

When I asked her if she wanted some Cincinnati Chili and she replied "yes", I was absolutely delighted.

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Cincinnati Chili

The time honored practice of Cincinnati Chili-ing a lady implies digital stimulation of the vagina with spice-coated fingers, during the woman's menstrual period.

When I asked her if she wanted some Cincinnati Chili and she replied "yes", I was absolutely delighted.

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Cincinnati Chili

The act of rubbing chili on your dick, and then receiving a blowjob.

Ricardo hit that bitch in Barcelona with that Cincinnati chili, now that bitch can’t get off him.

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Cincinnati Chili

A genre of chili local to Cincinnati, Ohio and its suburbs in Newport and Covington, Kentucky. Developed by Greek immigrants in the early 1920s, it is a variation of a Greek meat stew. It generally includes some ingredients unusual to chili such as cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, cocoa and a touch of vinegar. The first Cincinnati Chili was Empress, which is still a small but vital chain but the most popular/widespread chains are Skyline and Gold Star. Dixie Chili is based in Newport, Kentucky. The chili is served two-way, three-way, four-way and five-way with the addition of spaghettti, cheese, onions and beans and oyster crackers and hot sauce are expected gratuitious condiments on the table or by request. Frozen, canned and kits in spice packs are sold at Kroger and other Upper South grocery emporiums.

This genre of chili is rightfully more of a spaghetti topping or sauce than it is a traditional chili and has an addictive quality. It's also a popular late-nite after-bar food in the area along with White Castle hamburgers.

I live in Dayton (Ohio) where we can only get Skyline and Gold Star Cincinnati Chili in the restaurants so we took a road trip to Newport, Kentucky to sample some Dixie Chili and back through Cincy for some Empress Chili. Then I found out that you can get canned Dixie chili and frozen Empress at Kroger back home.

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