Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Chris W?

Chris is a very loving and sweet man who wants nothing in life but to make others happy. Chris W. R. is someone who will sacrifice almost anything to make you smile and a great friend that I couldn't live without.

Chris W. R. is a sweetheart.

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Chris W - video


Chris W - what is it?

A guy who is a certified Bruh Moment.

โ€œThat guy is oop.โ€

โ€œYeah, heโ€™s a Chris W.โ€

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What does "Chris W" mean?

Watched Saiki K once now has 20 cosplays in his bedroom he also roleplays with his reflection

Look at that itโ€™s Chris W heโ€™s got a knife hide your wife

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