Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Choobs?

(noun) An idiot, numpty, someone who messes around. Scottish derogitary name, but in occasional cases is used as a term of affection.

Scot1: Look at me, I canz lick my elbow!
Scot2: Look at that eejjit, what a choob.

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Choobs - meme gif

Choobs meme gif

Choobs - video


Choobs - what is it?

"Choob" is a word used to describe the annoying kids who abuse the anonymity of the internet by harassing others:
Choobs are typically found in online games, chatrooms and messageboards.

"Haha, look at the silly little choob, why isn't he in bed? Its 9pm!"

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What does "Choobs" mean?

Scottish slang for someone who is an idiot or slightly dim-witted

I'm pure dead brilliant and that man
No youse no, youse a right choob you ken that

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Choobs - what does it mean?

a high level person, usually on an online rpg such as runescape, that acts immature because they know they will never have to meet the person their dissing. they also tend to diss people that are one lvl below them...
2: a high lvl that acts noobish in ways such as asking for money

lvl 69: you a noob kid
lvl 68: what the fuck? im one level below you with the same armor and weapons
lvl 69: yea but your such a noob your gay...can i have free stuff?
lvl 68: fuck you choob!

👍1119 👎425

Choobs - meaning

Maybe we can find out the meaning of this than life??

The scienctists are being choob choob

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Choobs - definition


When a person's chin blends seamlessly into their breastal area (whether they be boobs or moobs).

also sometimes referred to as a chneck, or a chin-neck.

choobs are to necks as cankles are to ankles.

Variations include:
chooby (adj.), choobtastic (adj.), and choobalicious (adj.). Choob and choobed can also be used as verbs, but only in the context of people gaining choobs.

guy 1: "dude, chicks totally dig it when you kiss them on the neck."
guy 2: "but she has choobs... where do I aim?"

guy 1: "I choobed her in the 8th grade."
guy 2: "what?"
guy 1: "I fed her cheetos and m&ms until she developed choobs."

"See that guy over there? Totally choobalicious."

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Choobs - slang

face cheeks that are soft and/or big and/or bouncy and/or smooth and/or resembling that of boobs.

That baby boy has fun choobs.

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A woman with HUGE breasts that are 90% fat 10% actual boob or boob-like material.

OMG Connor, your mom has the most succulent choobs! I could suck on those all day.


Wow you see that woman that has her back to us? Her choobs are looking at us from under her armpits!

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Chest pubes. And that's final.

EX 1:
- What's in my soup? Is this... (looks closer) Phew!! It's only a choob.

Ex 2:
- Do you shave you choobs?
- Nah. I respect my choobs.

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The imaginary breasts of a male or female animal, usually domesticated but not included to, where an individual finds surreal pleasure in either beeping or pinching them

" Jumbo saw a cat with chunky little choobs and he decided to go over and beep them "

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