Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Chomo's?

Men or women interested in children in a sexual way. Engages minors on the Internet or in person to gain trust and later persuading them into sexual favors.

Did you see that new chic Jessica is dating, Ashley Martin, is a total chomo. She's always flirting with her little nieces on Facebook every chance she gets.

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Chomo's - meme gif

Chomo's meme gif

Chomo's - video


Chomo's - what is it?

a Prison term for child molester's
Chomo=Child molester

👍989 👎409

What does "Chomo's" mean?

prison term meaning child molester

Garrett is such a chomo

👍55 👎17

Chomo's - what does it mean?

child molester

That guy Kyle in the white van is such a chomo.

👍601 👎185

Chomo's - meaning

A homo-cholo

Guy 1: Hey remember Hernandez he's a total chomo now that he's in the clink
Guy 2: Woah damn, he shoudn't have been messing with that 13 year old....

👍25 👎13

Chomo's - definition

Jail house term for a child molestor

Malone is a big fat chomo!

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Chomo's - slang

Prison slang for child molester
chomo=child molester

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Prison term used for child molester. Scrum of the prison system lower than a rat. Free pickings.... first likely to be sexually abused a chomo is usual found out by suspicious inmates getting a hold of case files and passing them around the yard.

Weak screams.... they got another chomo

👍329 👎63


A phrase stated before or after a creepy remark to clear the sayer of being a child molester or pedophile

I got into the teaching profession to touch the lives of chomo

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child molester

Hey, check out that creepy old man. Hes a total chomo.

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