Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Chewin?

When your unneutered, male, pit bull reaches 2 1/2 and starts chewin'-in-half every other adult male dog he finds.

Bandit was the ultimate dog. Then at 2 1/2 he started chewin'-in-half every other adult male dog he found!

Avoid pits, get a female, or neuter your male at a YOUNG age!

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Chewin - meme gif

Chewin meme gif

Chewin - video


Chewin - what is it?

That good head that makes your toes curl...have you sayin "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" SHOENOMESAYIN?!?!?!?!
makes u wanna go bac to shortie errrryyyyyyyyNIGHT....

Your girl gave me the "Bomb Chewin" last night

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What does "Chewin" mean?

the worlds best tv show its a show that has millions ov sketches wi scottish people in it the best are : alan and bob,the painters,betty the slapper the lonesome shopkeeper, jack and victor the invisible boss nd the light house men

have you seen that bit on chewin the fat wi the ..........

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Chewin - what does it mean?

Cunnilingus. Generally woman-on-woman.

"Marsha sure hangs out with that women's motorcycle club a lot nowadays."
"Yeah, but I think it's really just a cover for when they're all together chewin' cunt."

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Chewin - meaning

when two or more people chitchat,gossip,talk,shoot the brez,yak,one-to-one, heart-to-heart, tΓͺte-Γ -tΓͺte,

also, get through(chew)the tough parts(fat) of life.

yeah, yesterday when i was chewin the fat wit the class, they informed me he was cheatin like a rabbit at spring time.

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Chewin - definition

To perform oral sex on a man

Yo, that Thot be chewin’ hammas at every party she goes to.

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Chewin - slang

Also known as a blowjob.
See, Slurpins, Chamins, CHONS, Yammins, Yams, Cocksmoking, Playing the skin flute, etc....

Can also be used as in singular form, i.e., "She will chew you up"

Dude, that skank is so gonna give me the chewins tonight.

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To receive head from a girl

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A blow-job.

"Her name is Rhonda peary
Who works at the dairy
Her chewin' is da bomb
But her face looks scary" - Three 6 Mafia

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To recieve oral sex from a male or female.

I'm looking for da chewin.
You know that girl chewin.

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