Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Cheesy Bread?

When a female has a case of crabs and a yeast infection.

Dude, don’t go near jen, cheesy crab bread.

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Cheesy Bread - video


Cheesy Bread - what is it?

a girl that has pimples on vagina that have the potential to pop while one eats it out. if they do...

"jamie has a little cheesy sofa bread thing goin on..."

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What does "Cheesy Bread" mean?

A random word meaning random person for use only by the most random of people

'PMSL! You are such a Cheesy Bread Roll!'

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Cheesy Bread - what does it mean?

another word for marijuana.

Jake: Hey Kelsey, do you want some cheesy bread?
Kelsey: Yea, I'm hungry. *wink*

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Cheesy Bread - meaning

a chunky, distasteful food item served by domino's pizza; can be found at six flags and tastes like shit; a weak imitation of real pizza; something that sucks dick because of horrendous taste

Benny: He man, want some food?
Chester: Yeah, I'm really famished.
Benny: Hey, I know...let's get some Cheesy Bread.
Chester: No, that stuff sucks dick.

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Cheesy Bread - definition

heavy in the money comes from the bread

man im out here getting this cheesy bread

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Cheesy Bread - slang

is a camden nj word meaning heavy in the money department comes from the word bread whichs can mean money

man im out here getting this cheesy bread!!

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