Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Chavo's?

Chavo: Chavo is a noun referring to a guy who claims to be strait but has a gay fettish for giving other guys "high-fives"

Dude, brandons such a chavo, i just gave him a high five and he got a weird look in his eyes.

👍115 👎219

Chavo's - meme gif

Chavo's meme gif

Chavo's - video


Chavo's - what is it?

This is the Mexican word for Chavs. If you don't believe me dial 0052 and 11 random numbers and ask a Mexican yourself.

No esten chingando en la calle con sus carros chavos cabrones!!!

👍85 👎81

What does "Chavo's" mean?

As opposed to what one guy posted, chavo is normally used to refer to money itself not a person. It is interchangable with pretty much any slang term for money.

-Ya boy is all about his chavo.
-If you ain't talkin chavo, get the f*** from round me.

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Chavo's - what does it mean?

The main character of a Mexican sitcom produced in the 70s and 80s, by the media conglomerate Televisa. It has been the most widely watched show in the Spanish language for decades.

Chavo is a homeless orphan child who lives from the "charity" of the inhabitants of the neighborhood where he hangs out. The other characters seem to amuse themselves by mocking him, hitting him, offering him food but then denying it, and generally torturing him.

Critics argue that its director, Roberto Gomez Bolaños, aka Chespirito, has earned fame and fortune by taking advantage of the worst kinds of attrocities, such as child abuse, violence, homelesness, hunger, etc, and has presented them in a "funny" way.

The show offers repetitive gags, which are followed by laughter cues, perhaps as an acknowledgement that the audience would otherwise not understand the purportedly funny situations.

Kiko: Hey Chavo, are you hungry? Do you want this empanada (bringing it to Chavo's face)?

Chavo: yes!!!!

Kiko: cooompra!!! (go buy some!!! as he takes it away)

Chavo: pipipipipipippi!!!! (Chavo's signature cry, a common occurence throughout each episode)

Pre-recorded laughter

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Chavo's - meaning

Getting bored while sitting on the loo when constipated and resorting to feverishly flicking your bean to pass the time

I was trying to take a dump and it took rather long so I indulged in some chavoing

👍51 👎23

Chavo's - definition

Chavos = boys/guys(boys & girls).
A gruop of young people.

What's up chavos?
Que onda chavos?

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Chavo's - slang

A Cuban word used to describe cash, money, bills (dollars), mula.

Cada ves que vamos a compra algo nos roban los chavos con sus taxes.

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spanish for guy, dude, kid, boy...

"Hola, chavos!" (hi, guys!)

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Spanish slang for guys (girls). Used primarily in Mexico.

Oye, este(a) chavo(a) es muy bueno(a).

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Hurry, get away, like get.

Annoying McGee: Peter, can I use your enlarger?
Peter: No, fuck you, Chavo Chavo!

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