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What is Chapel Hill's?

A cool, but unrealistically competitive and smart school where all the guys wear nikes and high socks. Also where people feel dumb if they don't take AP classes, and Republicans are probably more nonexistent than dinosaurs.
In other words, a relatively rich public high school in Chapel Hill, NC.

God, I can't believe those East Chapel Hill High School people. They think a 2300 on the SAT is bad.

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Chapel Hill's - video


Chapel Hill's - what is it?

An incredibly competitive public high school that is supposed to be very good but has many problems underneath the faΓ§ade of high quality education and great test scores. Populated by Nike-covered preps, Chaco-wearing hippie wannabe's, and Ugg-sporting white girls, East is ruled with an iron fist (except when multiple fights break out in the same week and students overdose in school bathrooms). You’re lucky if you find a bathroom not covered in flies breeding off of dirty toilet water, and even luckier if there are still paper towels; meanwhile, the stall graffiti describing the school as a β€˜hell hole’ is very accurate. Don't worry, though -- the drugs are plentiful and supposedly high end.
It is looked down on to not take AP classes and SAT scores determine your self-worth. There are some amazing teachers, but also some terrible teachers who should have lost their jobs before they even got hired but unfortunately have survived to ruin students’ enjoyment of subjects as well as their test scores. There are clear social groups separating Honors and AP students from others.

If you enjoy watching teenagers drive luxury cars bought for them by their parents, set up a picnic blanket at the entrance to the parking lot before and after school. Spots are $5 each and the proceeds will go towards replacing broken water fountains and financing the restoration of terrible athletic fields. A new pimped-out golf cart is also needed for the security guard to keep up the school’s image.

"You go to East Chapel Hill High School? Can I come over later and smoke a joint while we study BC Calc and then you can drive me home in your brand new BMW? Thanks, bro."

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What does "Chapel Hill's" mean?

A decent size high school in north carolina home to all the worst the top 10% have to offer. You can always expect to find inside the school something broken/old (was built when segregation ended in chapel hill) and the smell of weed.

Chapel hill high school sucks dick

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Chapel Hill's - what does it mean?

A unique mix of cocaine, crushed up addies, and powdered xanax common at East Chapel Hill High School in Chapel Hill, NC. Sometimes can be mixed with slices of money for that extra east chapel hill oomph.

Aye you you wanna do that east chapel hill snow?

Yeah man after I finish my AP comp gov homework

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Chapel Hill's - meaning

A place where the students believe in three things: pride, spirit, and a love of education. It's where being a Tar Heel is more than just being a student and obtaining a degree. International recognition is simply a bonus.

You cannot being a true Tar Heel unless you attend UNC Chapel Hill and live according to the Carolina Way

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Chapel Hill's - definition

The largest, shittiest, and oldest high school in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, where every bathroom and hallway smells like weed, and everyone takes approximately 4 AP courses.

Person 1: Omg so today all the guys in AP Lang took out their juuls and all started vaping at once.
Person 2: Did they get caught?
Person 1: Lol no one actually cares

Person 2: Do you go to Chapel Hill High?
Person 2: Yeah, how did you know.

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Chapel Hill's - slang

1. An amazing town in North Carolina, until all the yankees moved to it and it became a snobby rich town; noun

2. A suburb of Carrboro, NC; noun

3. Where many annoying spoiled brats live; noun

1: person: i love all the new neighbors moving into the neighborhood!
other person: yeah, i just hope this town doesnt become a chapel hill though...

2. carrboro citezen: im sorry guys but i cant pay my rent so im moving to chapel hill...
everyone: NOOOOOOOO!!!

3. *at school*
student one: i got a new lexus, and ipod, and an iphone for christmas because im perfect!
other students: i bet youre from chapel hill...

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Chapel Hill's

a popular college town in north carolina known for its dead music scene and population of snobby college kids, businessmen, and drunks. most dine in restaurants are ridiculously expensive and it's common for hoards of naive blondes to jaywalk when you're about to drive through a green light.

jay: bro, let's go score some fish in the 'hill. (chapel hill)
jordan: yeah man, i haven't had a blowjob in two days. let's do this.

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Chapel Hill's

Chapel Hill is not known as "Chapel Thrill" to people that were born and raised here. And there is a lot of white, ingnorant, rich people here, but Chapel Hill also has a lot of hippies.

Chapel Hill has a suburb and it also has hippies in fields.

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Chapel Hill's

Also known as "Chapel Thrill", Chapel Hill is a small piece of heaven on Earth. Home to the Tar Heels (if God isn't a Tar Heel, then why is the sky blue?) and UNC basketball (5 time National Champs), it is the best place ever. It's a college town (Frat Party anyone?), but the population is perfectly in sync with the other residents. Franklin Street is where it is at and Harris Teeter cookies are the best.

"I'm a Tar Heel Born
I'm a Tar Heel Bred
and when I die
I'll be a Tar Heel dead."

Tyler Hansborough, Michael Jackson, Danny Green, Ty Lawson, Chapel Hill

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