Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Caylene?

Caylen is a hilarious and amazing girl. she never lets anything put her down and never gives up. Once she catches feelings for someone, it’s very hard for her to lose those feelings for that someone.

Caylen is so weird. I love her!

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Caylene - meme gif

Caylene meme gif

Caylene - video


Caylene - what is it?

a girl who is in love with her husband jc caylen! they are goals

WOW! Mia Caylen is wife goals

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What does "Caylene" mean?

A dirty caylen is when you snort a line of crack cocaine out of somebody’s cleavage.

At Shane’s party, he did a dirty caylen off Rachel’s tits!

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Caylene - what does it mean?

Jc Caylen is a YouTuber with thousands of girls falling for him every minute. He's got that chill vibe and is willing to do anything. Once you see his shaggy hair and beautiful arms, you're stuck. You'll see a little dog creeping around in his videos, that's Wishbone. Jc's usually seen with a penny board. Even if you're not a Jc girl, you're a Jc girl.

"Who's the hot kid with the camera over there?"
"Oh, him? That's Jc Caylen."

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Caylene - meaning

A boy popular on youtube. Makes the best videos. All the ladies are dropping their panties for him. Gettin' more popular than Justin Bieber. If you come across one of his videos brace yourself because your heart will start beating a mile a minuet. Jc Caylen is pretty much the deffinition of swag. Swag is so last year, so just use Jc Caylen for now on.

Lisa: "Damn that boy is hott"
Marie: "Yeah, looking him doing the dougie over there"
Lisa: "Swag!"
Marie: "You mean, Jc Caylen!"

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Caylene - definition

The flyest girl in your UberX.

Man, I wish I could've given Caylen 6 stars. Superb!

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Caylene - slang

a truly grand chick who i happen to like quite a bit even though at times she may not believe it. 8) usually can be found far away from the large crowds of people 8)

dude..that chick doesnt look anywhere near as grand as caylen!

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the coolest funniest girl! out-going,fun loving,concert goo-roo, good friend, wouldn't survive avid without her!


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Caylen is the cutest and nicest guy you will ever meet. He will stick up for you always and will protect his friends. He is funny with the sweetest smile. He also is the strongest and most fit of all but is too humble to think so. He is the class clown and the ladies man.

If ur the all around best ur a Caylen

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Caylene is a very kind, nice, and beautiful person. She is very strong willed and always gets her way. She is one of the most pretty people that you will ever meet. She is smarter than most people. She is a very athletics and strong. She is good at everything she does. She is just such a good friend and amazes me everyday!

Caylene will one day change the world.

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