Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Carr's?

A hilarious English Comedian known for his dry, dark, sarcastic and deadpan humour. He is one of the funniest people to ever live and he hosts "The Big Fat Quiz of the Year" as well as making numerous appearances on Comedy Central's "Just For Laughs".

Jimmy's girlfriend: "Jimmy, we've come to the crossroads in life where we have to decide whether to take the next step in our relationship, which would mean moving in together, or whether to break it off because frankly, I'm getting bored."

Jimmy Carr: "That's not crossroads, that's a T-junction"


Jimmy Carr: "I had the sexual history conversation with my girlfriend yesterday, where I had to list every girl I'd ever been with. From the girl I lost my virginity to, up to her. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is where I should have stopped.


Jimmy Carr: "It really annoys me when people say they hear voices in their heads, as opposed to where exactly. Hearing voices in your legs! That's proper mental!

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Carr's - meme gif

Carr's meme gif

Carr's - video


Carr's - what is it?

To give a gay reacharound handjob to a person who is driving a car. This is given by guys with very feminine hands. Sometimes the man in the driver's seat is tricked into thinking that the girl in the passenger seat is giving him the tug job.

Aww man, it was so gross; I was driving my date home from a dance and got a B. Carr from a guy hiding in the back seat. I had no idea!

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What does "Carr's" mean?

Camp Brittish comedian.
He is co-host of The Sunday Night Project with Justin Lee Collins.
he is also famous for his large teeth and thick rimmed glasses.

Relased his autobiography "Look Who It Is" in 2007
Released his Live tour DVD "Tooth Fairy Live" in 2007

He is son of Greame Carr. Football Player, Manager and some consider him to be a legend.
He is not a sibling of Jimmy Carr. Only idiots think that.


Alan Carr:
My dad was like "Oh dont send Alan to do anything electrical, he wouldnt know.."
Oh, What am I gonna do? Come out of Dixons with a Pony? *Lead invisible pony around stage"".. Ooooh. What am i like?

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Carr's - what does it mean?

The act of reaching around the driver's seat, whilst in the back passenger's seat, and giving the driver sexual pleasure. It is prefferable for the giver to have woman-like hands, for that is the only body part seen by the receiver. It is also prefferable to have an unsuspecting passenger in the front seat in the midst of the BC.

While driving home from the dance, I was unsuspectingly given a B. Carr; however, I am unsure of the giver, for all I saw were his/her hands.

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Carr's - meaning

A legend in Somers, Ny that will call you on your phone letting you know if there’s no school or not. He’s the man

β€œThis is Matt Carr calling from the Somers Central School District, please be advised that all schools will be closed due to the inclement weather”

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Carr's - definition

The act of stabbing a friend in the back

Alex was Carr'ed by Rebekah when she didn't invite him to Cedar Point

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Carr's - slang

someone with a narcissistic and elitist personality. arrogant

Tommy you need to stop being a carr.

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A carr is not, as one may think, a misspelling of the word car. It is actually totally different and way better. A carr is a small woodland creature resembling keira knightley and natalie portman (since they are THE SAME). It is not highly intelligent, and it can be easily swayed into doing anything with one of the following: dark chocolate, strawberry-rhubarb pie, penn badgley, soap. Do not let appearances fool you, however; the carr is highly dangerous when agitated. FEAR IT!!

Hey man, look at that cute little carr over there! Wait, what...what's it...oh no...RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!!!!

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carr is a very nice smart person. very very hot and can get a girl very easily. YALL HE IS TAKEN SO NO ONE GETS HIM. he has beautiful hair beautiful eyes and is always there to listen and make you laugh. he will always be there for you and take time to make you feel better.

bestie β€œthere is carrr ooo”
girlfriend β€œhahaha look how good he looks”

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1.Carr is a common surname in northern England, deriving from the Old Norse kjarr, meaning a spear. Kerr is a Scottish variant. Carr is also a common surname in Ireland, where it often derives from the nickname, ard, meaning tall. In some cases it is thought to come from the Welsh word "Cawr", meaning giant.

Carr is a giant-ass fierce warrior that is nuthin to fuck with.

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