Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Carbonate?

Italian last name. Popular in the tri state area.

Did you see that italian guy? no....o i thought it was carbone

👍103 👎79

Carbonate - meme gif

Carbonate meme gif

Carbonate - video


Carbonate - what is it?

When you pour Sprite in a girl’s vagina and you suck out the juices with a straw.

When Ron couldn’t provide Joy with the champagne bubbles she wanted on New Years Eve, Ron called Trey over to pleasure Joy with the Carbonator until she climaxed and screamed “Oy Vey” while Ron cuckholded himself simultaneously.

👍25 👎13

What does "Carbonate" mean?

1. a sexual pose wherein said Carbone will lie flat out on his back with both arms behind his head whilst sporting massive wood concealed only by a thin layer of red silk garment spread across the pubic area

2. The act of being Carboned

ie. "Man, did that swampdonkey get Carboned or what?"

"I pulled the Carboner out on Hilary last night and she loved it."

👍55 👎27

Carbonate - what does it mean?

"Carbon" is used here as a description. It means something that is absolutely 100% exact of another. Not similar, not related, not sort of like, neat a cheap copy but absolutely the same. Down to the carbon molecules. A carbon copy if you will.

"Henna, do you remember that key you gave me the other day to access the locked cabinet in Mr. Senner's office ?"
"Yeah, I do."
"Opening it I found a copy of the key sitting on the bottom. Carbon."
"That's strange. There's only supposed to be one. What good does it do in there ?"

👍25 👎11

Carbonate - meaning

(noun) the crystalline form of the element carbon, coveted by playas, pimps and hos; diamonds; ice; bling.

"When you buy ya' hydrocarbons, hide yo' carbons." -King George

👍167 👎83

Carbonate - definition

The Slut of the Element World, Has 4 bonds at a time

Did you see Carbon
yeah shes such a slut with her 4 bonds

👍71 👎21

Carbonate - slang

Slang for a firearm

Buddy keep playing im gonna up the carbon on em'

👍71 👎15


A non-metal with atomic number 6. Makes up almost all the shit in biosphere.

A prostitute on an atomic level. It's able to form single, double AND triple bonds... such a whore.

A girl's bestfriend when you think about it (diamond).

Pure carbon compounds also include soot, graphite, etc.

- Did you hear Carbon is going out with 4 hydrogens at the same time?
- Slut...

👍197 👎33


To smoke a waterpipe with zeal.

We've been carbonizing tobacco all night.
Lets carbonize this shit.

👍51 👎11


the hoe of the periodic table

carbon is a hoe

👍31 👎11