Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Capra's?

It banging place it so nice!

wow tony capra bath house is so lit. it banging place it so nice

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Capra's meme gif

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Capra's - what is it?

Gianna Donata Capra is a beautiful girl who has great curves. At times she can be insucur about her body. She is a very like able person. But don't get on her bad side, who knows what she will do. Other than that she is very sweet.

Gianna Donata Capra is very sweet , but dammmmnnnnn that body tho!!!!!!😍

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What does "Capra's" mean?

Latin terminology for the perforation formed in the undergarments, primarily from chafing and acute disbursement of sharticles. Usually formed over great periods of time or sudden, violent episodes. Generally, the wearer is unaware of said perforation or chooses not to acknowledge.

Wife: WTF, can’t you see that?!
Husband: Oh, you mean my Capra Foraminis? Whatevs.

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Capra's - what does it mean?

Italian definition of dumb,moron,ignorant or a very smelly person.
(Goat in english)

1)Ita-Puzzi come una capra!
Eng-You stink so bad,how long since your last shower?yuck!

2)Read a newspaper for once,Capra!

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Capra's - meaning

The most beautiful girl you will ever meet. She makes perverted jokes all the time which surprises people because of her innocent and angel-like look. However, a Capra has a smokin' hot body with lots of curves. Yet she is usually insecure when she shouldn't be.

She is really nice, but dang, I didn't know she was a Capra!

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