Definder - what does the word mean?

What is CSOM?

Current State Of Mind

My csom is unstable at the moment

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CSOM - meme gif

CSOM meme gif

CSOM - video


CSOM - what is it?

A game on Roblox, definitely uses the Roblox Terms β€œPowering your Imagination” to the Max.

Is that a nazi?

Yeah! This is CSOM the most unmoderated game!

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What does "CSOM" mean?

The Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota.

See tool.

"Hey, I'm in CSOM!"

"Wow. The way you abbreviated that, you must be enough of a tool to go to Carlson."

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CSOM - what does it mean?

A roleplay game on roblox that is currently dying to jojofags and crpers along with horny 14 year olds who be women in very little clothing in WINTER

A normal CSOM server: literal chaos

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