Definder - what does the word mean?

What is CPL?

Creepy People Lurking. This was the first thing that came to my creepy mind when I saw the abbreviation CPL!!

I was making out with my girlfriend at the park last night and got the sudden feeling of CPL!

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CPL - meme gif

CPL meme gif

CPL - video

CPL - what is it?

Code word on the CAL forums as shit.

bob:Dude this is total bullCPL
jim:i know :(

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What does "CPL" mean?

CPL - Cyberathlete Professional League an organization who has recently ruined Counter-Strike by taking it out of the CPL and adding Counter-Strike: Source

CPL --(*_ยท)--> CS Community
CPL killed CS Community with headshot from ak47

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CPL - what does it mean?

The superbowl of computer gaming, particularly team-oriented games such as Couter-Strike or even Halo, as seen in recent events.

"We would have gone to the BYOC at CPL, but Texas is pretty freakin' far."

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CPL - meaning

Short for Certified Penis Licker, a professional term used to designate male prostitutes

Person 1: "I heard Joe is a CPL, can you believe it?"

Person 2: "I'm not that surprised, he often talks about his suggestive endeavors."

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CPL - definition

Candy and Porn Locker. A locker that is devoted to assloads of candy and numerous pictures of dirty smut.

AAWWWW SHIIIIT, MAN! I can't wait to refill the CPL. Fanchin!!!!

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CPL - slang

Cyberathlete Professional League:
Where the best gamers in the world get together to battle it out in order to win a $100,000 prize.

I am going to the CPL!!!
That is so NOT cool.

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CPL has many other explanations, but one of them that isn't on UD yet stands for Commercial Pilot Licence.

It's the third licence in the row to become a professional airline pilot.

A: Hey do you have a pilot licence?
B: Sure mate, I have CPL.

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This is the abbreviation for the Cyberathlete Professional League.

Launched June 1997, the CPL is the first organization in the world to advance computer game competitions to the level of a professional sport.

The CPL is a global leader in competitive computer gaming, having held live tournaments on five continents, it also sanctions a large number of qualifying tournaments held in over fifty countries.

I visited the CPL last year.

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Abbreviated Noun For: Creepy Porn Lawyer

One who takes great joy in legally and publicly representing porn stars, prostitutes, pole dancers, white trash tramps.

One who tries to gain popularity and attention "on the backs of others", or rather, "from others being on their backs".

Not to be confused with reputable attorneys.

That CPL is representing her in the court of public opinion.

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