Definder - what does the word mean?

What is CHIBI?

The lead singer of Canadian electronica band "The Birthday Massacre". Born on April 26, 1977, she currently resides in Toronto, Canada and works a regular job whilst off tour. She maintains both a MySpace profile and a LiveJournal page and lives with her cat, Kisou.

Fan: Chibi was really on the ball tonight, I love TBM.

"Next phrase, next phase, next nothing new"

👍149 👎67

CHIBI - meme gif

CHIBI meme gif

CHIBI - video


CHIBI - what is it?

A smaller and cutesier version of a famous anime/video game/comic book character, often looking just like the character themselves, but with large puppy dog eyes, inviting smiles, and on some occasions, arms and legs that end in finger and toeless nubs. Pretty much the Mini Me of the fan art community

Which one is cuter, the chibi version of Chun-Li, or Princess Peach?

👍41 👎13

What does "CHIBI" mean?

A Japanese word that is often used as a put-down in its original context, being roughly equivalent in meaning to "shrimp," "runt," "squirt," "dwarf," "midget," or "small-fry."

In slang, however, it occasionally takes on aspects of cuteness, particularly when the individual in question is young, female, and already considered "cute" by the speaker. It can also be used as shorthand for a drawing style of Japanese origin more properly known as super deformed (SD).

Its usage in English (or rather, Japanglish) ignores the word's derogatory context, and focuses on the "cute" meaning as it often appears in anime and manga, and its exclusive usage in this context is a good sign that the speaker does not, in fact, know how to speak Japanese.

(Speaker A): "Why would TokyoPop go and change the title of 'Karin' to 'Chibi Vampire'? There's nothing 'chibi' about her."

(Speaker B): "It's marketing, man. All the fangirls think 'chibi' is synonymous with 'cute'."

👍195 👎79

CHIBI - what does it mean?

A word that will cause a person of small stature to blow up and beat the shit out of the antagonizer. Usually followed by a short rant

Edward Elric.

Person 1: Hey look, it's a chibi!!
Person 2: WHO ARE YOU CALLING A CHIBI YOU GIANT *proceeds to beat the crap out of the person*

👍117 👎35

CHIBI - meaning

she is a 2 year old girl who has pink hair and can only say "chibi chibi!"
she is a lost girl and no one knows who she is or where she came from. She brainwashed Usagi's family into belieiving that she is their youngest sibling.
People think that she is Usagi's second daughter.

Usagi: whats your name?
chibi: chibi: chibi chibi!
Usagi: where do you live?
chibi: chibi chibi!!

👍37 👎25

CHIBI - definition

1) A Japanese word meaning "short" or "midget." The word chibi is often taken offensively when directed toward a person. Japanese equivalent of "shrimp" or "shortcake." (language/culture)

2) A term used by anime/manga fans to referr to small and detailless characters. "Chibi" characters are often used to represent a form of cuteness. It can also be used to indicate small characters (like Chibi-Usagi/Sailor Chibi Moon in Sailor Moon). (anime/manga)

1) What're you going to do about it, chibi?

2) That chibi character is cute

👍509 👎165

CHIBI - slang


1. The most adorable little lads ever!

2. Plushy/drawing of a more family friendly Anime character

"I wanna snuggle my Chibi."

👍25 👎11


Smaller form of any existing character, meant to look cute. Usually has irregular proportions, with a big head and tiny limbs.

Chibi Raijouta looks sooooo cute!

👍413 👎111


It is an adjective that means small and/or miniature in a good or cute way. Normally used to describe (young) people or animals, and is endearing. This word, along with kawaii and several other Japanese words, have been taken by America's "Wapanese" who have gone overboard in accentuating their English speech with Japanese words. "Chibi" was probably first introduced to the West through anime, and probably from the name of Sailor Chibimoon, in Sailor Moon.

Synonym: chiisai
Antonym: ooki

Aa anata wa mada chibi kodomo da na, atoato kitto seijin ni naru yo

👍1353 👎315


1. A character from Sailor Moon. First appears in season five. Most people reffer to her as the cutest girl character on Sailor Moon because she is small, 2 years old, and can only say "Chibi Chibi".

2. The greatest Phantasy Star Universe player of all time Usually has the best hunter weapons and the best ranger weapons all of which accompanied by the best armor on the game.

3. It is Wapanese (white japanese) small & cute.

1: that girl looks like chibi-chibi off of Sailor Moon.

2: Thats because that is Chibi-chibi from PSU he always makes his characters look like chibi-chibi from Sailor Moon.

1: Both of them look Chibi-chibi.

👍57 👎21