Definder - what does the word mean?


To be really, really drunk. Obnoxiously so, whether amusing or irritating.

"Man, last night you were totally in charge. I'd be surprised if you remember any of it."

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CHARGING - meme gif

CHARGING meme gif

CHARGING - video


CHARGING - what is it?

Short for sexually charged. Also means horny, aroused, wet. Basically it means that someone is ready for sex or really wants to have sex, or want to masturbate.

"I'm all charged and ready to go!"
"I am so charged that I could just explode in my pants!"
"Dude, she was so charged, I couldn't get her off of me."

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What does "CHARGING" mean?

Nice .. your little tryst recharged stalker boy

Yay ..

How fucking epic ..

Thanks for that ..

Was missing his gloaty little face ..

You’re truly the gift that keeps on giving …

Well played ..

Oh that’s me isn’t it?

Delete all your now bullshit pls

Charged .. I never understood what you meant but it’s pretty clear who does .. map makes sense now at least ..

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CHARGING - what does it mean?

high, fucking stoned

im gonna smoke bare weed tonight and im gonna get charged

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CHARGING - meaning

The extent to which one feels ready to rage

Q: "how charged are you?"
A: "Im at 80%, but one more shot, I'll be fully charged"

Q: "are you charged?"
A: " fuck yeah, I'm ready to go."

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CHARGING - definition

When your friend puts the end of a blunt in his mouth, and blows the smoke into your face while you breath in as much smoke as possible.

Gotta love a charge!

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CHARGING - slang

Excited/hyped for something.

Ben: you looking forward to the festival pal?
Darren: sΓ­, proper charged mate.

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A shorter version of the phrase 'charge it to the game'

To just accept what has happened and move on.


person 1: My dog just died

person 2: charge it bro

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take something that’s hard to deal wid.
(firm it)

person 1: my uncle j died
person 2: charge it bredrinπŸ˜‚

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A common phrase said when something so horrendous, so soul-wrenching, something that causes tremendous harm to ones mental, physical or emotional state happens to a person in ones common vicinity. The phrase is meant to represent and indicate to the recipient to accept the situation and take it on the chin. You can use this in any situation, no matter how severe the incident is.

Ryan: nahhh this guys been commenting bare flirty shit on my crushes tiktoks bro im so finished fam
Josh: ykw fam j charge it

callum: nah imagine my mum died today in a car crash
nate: bro imma be real w u yh? j charge it bro

Adam: imagine i failed all my gcses bro its so long for me im getting shipped back to Ghana bro
Abdullah: bruv be imma be real w u j charge it n hit the trap

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