Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Burrite?

A Mexican prostitute

I picked up a burrit-ho in Juarez

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Burrite - meme gif

Burrite meme gif

Burrite - video


Burrite - what is it?

The feeling of extreme pleasure and borderline orgasm experienced either during or after the consumption of a Chipotle burrito. Does not occur in tragic incidences of blueburrito.

I reached burrital climax as I finished my Chipotle burrito, a warm sensation of orgasm controlling my muscles and sending me into a deep, vigorous full body spasm.

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What does "Burrite" mean?

Of, or pertaining to, a burrito.

After going to Chipotle, Wilma experienced a level of burrital stimulation she had never experienced before.

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Burrite - what does it mean?

A shortening for the word burrito, pronounced bur-eet. Can be used to shorten the length of sentences or to bug skylar.

I'm gonna go grab a burrit in the cafiteria

I like my burrits with bacon and green chile

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Burrite - meaning

A fine mexican course that contains meat, vegetables, spices, sauces, etc., and is wrapped in a tortilla.

"Im gonna go snag a burrite."
"California Burrite"
"Breakfast Burrite"

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