Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Buddeh?

Used as either a greeting, a goodbye or to express something awesome. It is an adjective, verb, and expression.

It is critical to make a "mmm" sound before saying "whats up buddeh". Buddeh is spelt incorrectly on purpose as to stress the significance of the "eh" ending, as this phrase originates in Canada, from the Hamilton region. It must be noted that when something is not awesome it can be referred to as "NOT whats up buddeh?!"

Two people see each other
1st person: mmm whats up buddeh?!
2nd: person mm whats up buddeh?!

#2. 1st person: Yo who did your dishes?
2nd person: The same broad who cooked a meal for me and cleaned my room!
1st person: Thats whats up buddeh?!

#3 1st person: Did you wheel that broad last night?
2nd person: Naw man she was on the rag, would'nt do a thing. :(
1st person: Thats not whats up buddeh?!

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Buddeh - video


Buddeh - what is it?

An awesome person who is... just awesome... well and SMART, FUNNY, GREAT LISTENER, hence, "BEST BUDDEH" AND is named Jennifer

She goes by Jenn (Make sure its double "n" or she'll kill you)

IM conversation:
Person one: She is SUCH a Best Buddeh
Person two: Nah, she isn't... she's not NEARLY AS COOL AS JEN.
Person one: DUDE! You spelt her name wrong! FUCKING DICK!
Person two: OH FUCK! DX

👍27 👎29

What does "Buddeh" mean?

Canadian pronunciation of 'buddy,' frequently used in greetings. Counterpart of 'guy.'

Oh hey, buddeh.

Hey, guy.

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