Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Bris Vegas?

A nickname used by Australians to lovingly but very much ironically call the Queensland capital. Brisbane, although beautiful and my home of homes, is NOTHING like Vegas.

When you "pary it up in Bris Vegas" you come home well rested, with a tan. Unless you are unlucky enough to visit on one of the 20 days a year it rains. Then you are just bored.

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Bris Vegas - video


Bris Vegas - what is it?

Slang that Australians use for Brisbane, the capital of Queensland on the east coast of Australia. Refers to sun-loving, carefree lifestyle associated with the city and Queensland generally by many Australians (mirroring the way the US feels about Los Vegas)

I'm staying with a mate in Bris Vegas for a few months, just kicking back, been hitting the surf. I'm sleeping on his floor.

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