Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Blue Tick?

To successfully complete a task. Normally one which has been witnessed or viewed but does not necessarily receive acknowledgment. Derived from WhatsApp's read notification of 2 blue ticks.

Did you see me on the climbing wall?

Yeah, 2 blue ticks for completing that hard route.

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Blue Tick - video


Blue Tick - what is it?

A large group of boys. They are constantly getting "blue-ticked" by girls.

This means that they are being ignored by all of the girls that they speak to on WhatsApp.

Look at that Blue Tick Army outside, it is quite embarrassing.

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What does "Blue Tick" mean?

When your having a long whatsapp convosation or you message someone and they read it (blue tick) and don't reply just push you to the side

Tom WhatsApps Kieran 'good morning sir'

Kieran reads message (grey ticks turn blue)
Tom does not receive a response

That would make keiran a blue tick bitch

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Blue Tick - what does it mean?

Males living a life that will guarantee to you getting "Blue-Ticked", i.e. getting ignored by females on Whatsapp.

The lifestyle includes getting very high every night with the boys, and "questionable" party habits.

No wonder he's single, he's stuck in that blue tick lifestyle.

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Blue Tick - meaning

When someone has a constant habit of reading messages and not replying on WhatsApp (social media)

Samantha: "Hey Ashley ... What the hell is wrong with Trey ... He's like, reading my messages and not fucking replying!"

Ashley: "Oh well ... You know .... He got Blue Tick Syndrome"

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Blue Tick - definition

The act of opening /reading a text message on Whatsapp and not replying the sender.

James: "Did you at least reply Jennefer?"
Hank: "No, I gave her the blue tick of death."

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Blue Tick - slang

Someone who reads your message(s) on WhatsApp as indicated by the infamous blue ticks but never responds. Commonly claims they "never saw it".

Me: Did you get my message last night
Blue tick bitch: OMG I never saw it
I sent Amy a message to hang out but she blue ticked bitched me

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Blue Tick

Wanker on Facebook who has an official account allowing him/her to reach top of the comments even if he/she comments something unoriginal and stupid.

His/Her comments automatically appear on top pushing down funny(When appropriate) and original comments.

9gag's comment section is full of Blue Tick wankers.

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Blue Tick

Someone who is verified on Instagram.

"Has a blue tick ever liked one of your posts?"
"Yeah, Elon Musk liked a meme I made once."

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Blue Tick

This generally happens during a conversation that is lacking in substance or the other person is too busy or lazy to reply. It is the act of reading another's message and leave the chat without a reply. The person on the other end will have a blue tick next to the text they have sent. Commonly looked down upon, this should not be practiced unless the convo is shit.

"Bruh Jessica just blue ticked me. That bitch!"

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