Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Blue Berry?

A delicious fruit dessert, with blueberries, and whip cream in a pie crust.

I gave my girlfriend a blue berry cream pie last night. It got all over her face and body.

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Blue Berry - video


Blue Berry - what is it?

When the male chokes the female during oral sex, until her pigment is a blueish color. He then sticks his wiener down her throat, and stops choking, so when she breathes, she gives a new definition to the phrase Choking on cock

Johny gave his mommy a Blue Berry Creme pie

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What does "Blue Berry" mean?

when you choke agirl with your penis until her face turns to a blue like color then you ejaculate in her face

i gave her a nice warm blue berry cream pie last night!!!

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Blue Berry - what does it mean?

1: What u say to a punk who wants a black eye
2: what crippeled kids say when they get heated because they cant get into a real fight because they will lose because they are crippeled

Hey punk want a black eye blue berry!

👍37 👎13

Blue Berry - meaning

this is a restaurant in illinois blue berry hill pnacake house!!!!

Mom lets go to blue berry hill pancake house!!

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Blue Berry - definition

To sneak up on someone and simultaneously punch them in both eyes with your fists. Then, once they are helpless, cum all over their face.

Jared - "So I was hiding behind the bathroom door when my girlfriend walked in. I decided to sneak up on her and tap that bitch on the shoulder. When she turned around I gave her a blue berry surprise!" Then dumper her and never saw her again."

Hugo - "Nice Dude."

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Blue Berry - slang

it's the excuse one uses when asked about the dark bruise on one's lip - a lip hickie - you can also claim that you have accidentally bit a pen and it's actually ink on your lips

Shit,look at that blue-berry muffin on that girls face!
Yo, is that ink on your lips?

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Blue Berry

When you get an emtpy yogurt cup, fill it with cum, dye it blue and give it to someone or stick it back in the refrigerator.

John: dude i got Mary with the Blue Berry Yogurt

Ted: haha nice

👍39 👎19

Blue Berry

A slang word for police, or a police car. It's derived from the light bar on the top.

I just blew the light and there aint a blue berry in sight, things are good.

👍51 👎79

Blue Berry

Expression for black people used by whites as "code" when they want to refer to blacks in a semi-derogatory manner without being detected in a group of people. A term frequently used by Asian people.

These Damn blue berries need to shut the F$ck up! I'm trying to watch the movie.

Blue berry

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