Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Bitch Better Have My Money?

1) A charming ditty by AMG that dispels any sort of lazy or unstructured attitude towards the expected frequency, volume and regularity of steady upward cash flow in a particular fringe profession.
2) A motivating mantra for those in the Accounts Receivable or Collections industry.
3) A phrase that may be used in lieu of more traditional punctuation to convey ultimate certainty that one will be receiving what feels they are due...or there will be consequences.

Sheeeeet. All I know is ma-fuggin' BBHMM (Bitch Better Have My Money). I ain't even tryin' to hang out by no damned water cooler. M-Kaaaaay?

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Bitch Better Have My Money - video


Bitch Better Have My Money - what is it?

A song that Rihanna sang about bitches better have her money

Johnny told Mark, Bitch Better Have My Money

👍51 👎51

What does "Bitch Better Have My Money" mean?

What a pimp says (to himself and others) when he's on his way to collect money from his hookers.

Hooker: Where ya goin', honey?
Pimp: I'm on my way to Krystal's! That bitch better have my money!

👍225 👎83