Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Bisma's?

the act of grabbing someone's leg hair and twisting it so that it forms a tornado looking knot and pulling it

Oh my god David, Jenny just gave Mark 3 Bisma bites, I hope she doesn't come over here, they looked painful.

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Bisma's - meme gif

Bisma's meme gif

Bisma's - video


Bisma's - what is it?

a high pitched squeal

mainly used when there is someone that one is attracted to nearby

โ€œOmg thereโ€™s mobby!!โ€
โ€œRight then mate dinny pure Bisma Screamโ€

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What does "Bisma's" mean?

a room or place that is dark/black

yo man i couldnt see anything that room was bisma.

i have to get home before it gets bisma

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Bisma's - what does it mean?

A type of spicy biryani, normally has goat meat in it.

Dude 1: What should I get from pakwan today man?
Dude 2: You should try the Bisma, it's hella adventurous and cheap too

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Bisma's - meaning

1. an arabic word for "smile."
2. beautiful, popular,sexy, and very easy to get along with.
3. hated by girls, yet adored by all men.
4. even when she make you angry, something about her brings you back.

"hey are u friends with bisma?"
"no, whos that?"
"damnnn you havent lived till you meet this girl."
"oh i gotta go meet one!"

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Bisma's - definition

Bisma is the hottest, prettiest and a rare girl to find in the entire universe. She is super intelligent and very focused. She adores her friends and family. When she find herself a crush she goes crazy over him, and thatโ€™s why she always gets him in the end. She might have problems with others, but her goddess look will pull anyone close to her. If you ever find a Bisma, share your food with her and you guys will instantly become best friends.

โ€œOh look at that Bisma, she is dead ass beautifulโ€


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Bisma's - slang

Bisma's are sweet, nice popular girls. They are very sexy, highly smart. They are highly respected, but they don't give themselves enough credit. They are always motivating other people, and are always thinking of ways to change the world, and make it a better place, Bisma's are the BEST students you will find at your school. They are soo beautiful, and they are exotic! Bisma's have alot of haters but they always have thier friends and families back, and they will come through for you, always.

Hey, I wish I had a Bisma, but Damn, they are soo rare to find!

I know right!

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A girl that is sweet, pretty, and nothing stops her from having a fun time. She may have problems with her family and some people at school, but it doesn't matter when shes with her friends. Her crushes always gets lost and goes for another girl. She will be there for you if your down and whoop anyones ass if they mess with her friends. She is the best friend anyone could ever have and you would be lucky to have her as a friend.

Sky: Omg Bisma is sooooo cool I'm glad shes my sister
Zach: Shes the best!
Sky: Ikr!

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