Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Binty?

Binti, is arabic for β€˜my daughter’ Binti is a very beautiful girl, a perfectionist, shy and reserved, can sometimes seem bitchy but is the most divine and softest woman you will ever meet. Binti is dreamy, girly and loves pink undertones. She is admirable and always has good grades. She loves writing and reading and is loved by everyone around her, she loves being around other people and is always complimented when she’s out. Her friends either adore her or secretly hate her.

Boy A: I saw your pretty grilfriend at the library, she looks like such an angel
Boy B: Oh my darling Binti? She brings me so much peace, she is my pride and joy

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Binty - meme gif

Binty meme gif

Binty - video


Binty - what is it?

ZIA BINTI JUAN BUDIMAN moe is youtube channel that makes stupid underrated videos. 2 of her videos have been blocked. She wont give a 100 percent shit on you. Cringe commenter.

friend: what is your youtube chanell type?

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What does "Binty" mean?

The word you say when you let out a long sneeze

Zoha :nurfatihah izzati binti zulkifly
Asma: bless you
Nurfatihah izzati binti Zulkifly means is the type of word u say when doing tongue twisters

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Binty - what does it mean?

A word to describe someone who has carried out an unforgivable foolish act:- commonly derived to describe/embarass 'peru' stu bell...

For example: after peru has eaten a piece of meat (he's a veggie), u would refer to him as: "" STU YOUR A BINT...!!!" The Slimeshites your downfall sir...

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Binty - meaning

realizing something is not what it seems.

"Before I saw the pic n just read the caption I thort binti hahah"

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Binty - definition

not quite damp, not quite moist

Turn on the fan when you take a shower, otherwise the towels get binty!

From sitting at my desk all day, my balls are totally binty.

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Binty - slang

A person who speaks their mind, no matter what the cost, as they just don't care. If you wish to take on the binty, then be prepared for fun if you're an open minded, sarcastic individual, or horror if you're an individual of limited debating capacity....

That Binty on Project Rockstar kicked my ass!!

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means someone is ugly

Omg, that girl looks so binty without makeup

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A more cute name for a vagina

ow, you punched my binty!

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A binty is a bird who does little other than look pretty. Typically short, blonde, slim and curvaceous (brain optional).

Sarah Michelle Gellar

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