Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Billy blue?

To fuck a niggas wife

We gon Billy blue this bustas wife

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Billy blue - video


Billy blue - what is it?

from the finnish ville, known by the name of billy blue ballix, a stonie as mother fucker that uses scissors for everthing including trimming his pubs, makin spliffs, and opening doors.

billy blue ballix, to have scissors in ur hands 24/7 and to use then for everything. even if u dont been to!

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What does "Billy blue" mean?

A color started and used In 2015 by Cyrus B.Williamson and Jennifer Travis. A hue of Blue that is in association between of the eye color and Hair colors of Billy Dugan, Kenosha Wisconsin Punk Community.

That flight jacket needs a little Billy Dugan Blue in it

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Billy blue - what does it mean?

C- submitted to Urban Dictionary 2015
Billy Dugan Blue: A color started and used by Cyrus B.Williamson and Jennifer Travis. A hue of Blue that is in association between of the eye color and Hair colors of Billy Dugan, Kenosha Wisconsin Punk Community.

That flight jacket needs some Billy Dugan Blue on it

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Billy blue - meaning

the next 40 year old virgin.

Bill Clark is billy blue balls

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