Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Big willy?

Will White is a world class gangsta.
He doesn't flinch at torture, human trafficking or genocide. He's not loyal to a country or a flag or any set of ideals. He trades blood for money. He's your new best friend.

Random bitch: Damn I need William White in my life!
Fat geek bozo: Shit man you dont wanna fuck with Big Willy White.

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Big willy - video


Big willy - what is it?

"Big dick in her mouth". This is a famous quote for big willie style.

When the chick is lieing down and the guy jumps and trys to get his "willy" in her mouth on the fall. Much like the whale "Free Willy" jumping in the ocean, but instead you are jumping and landing your "big willie" in a mouth of a female. This is big willie style.

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What does "Big willy" mean?

Big Willie Style is a shock-style sex move. It is accomplished by first having regular intercourse between a girl and a guy, but right as the guy is about to cum, he pulls out, plunges it into the girl's ass, and unleashes his load while singing "Na na na na na na na - gettin jiggy wid it," the classic hit by Will Smith. A greater effect is added if the guy raises the roof while doing this.

Jim: What'd you end up doing last night?
Paul: We had sex, but it was boring so I unveiled the new Big Willie Style move.
Jim: That's epic, man.

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Big willy - what does it mean?

a term that boys with a big willy use to describe the way they act/dress/have sex.

Big willy style coming through!!
Will Smith: na na nana nana big willy style

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Big willy - meaning

Big willy style is how you roll. It’s more then an attitude it’s a presents. It fills the room, it must be noticed. It’s a popular tag line for that larger then life character and lots of guys named Bill, William or Will. We all know at least one guy named β€œbig willy”, but that guy isn’t always big willy style. Get it ?

PS – tell google to stop changing the spelling to big willie style when people search for the true meaning of big willy style. Will Smith is not the only one with rights to this phrase.

That lacrosse player just broke the defenders ankles, now that's big willy style.

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Big willy - definition

The nickname of the newly renamed Sears Tower to Willis Tower.

The Big Willie is the tallest building in Chicago

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Big willy - slang

someone of elevated status or respect

"He thinks he's a big willy now that he's in college."

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Big willy

a large penis

Dude 1 : check out my big willy
Dude 2 : i feel shamed

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Big willy

Zack Rosen, The Male reproductive organ of enormous size and strength

Wow! Look at big willy's big willy, he's quite the pole vaulter!

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Big willy

90's term for big time hustlers (drug dealers)

Yo son is a Big Willie now

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