Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Bibble?

The official holy book of Joulism
It contains all 14 steps on how to reach Oopsilon.
It technically is the 2nd version of the Bibble, as the 1st one was created before Joulism was coined.
All steps in the book must be followed in order to reach Oopsilon, or one could risk going to Zett!

P1: I'm nearly done with all of my steps too Oopsilon! What step on you on in the Bibble?
P2: I'm on Step 8, I need to find Sybil Birling
P1: Ah nice, I'm on Step 12, I need to express my love for `Kunst` and cough on someone!

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Bibble - meme gif

Bibble meme gif

Bibble - video


Bibble - what is it?

the tip of the longest pubic hair in your nether-regions

"Wow, that bibble sure is pointy! It felt like a needle when I poked it!"

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What does "Bibble" mean?

An individual who assigns too much importance and gravitas to their shoddy artistic efforts. Often identifiable by ironic styles of dress, carefully dishevelled hair, flashy media technology, and ever-present, frequently discussed and generally awful portfolio/short film/painting/poetry/demo CD. Parents often middle-class and fairly affluent, but the Bibble goes to great lengths to disguise this simple yet utterly discrediting fact. Can be observed in Islington, Shoreditch, and just about every University in the country.

Have you seen that guy's pictures? He's such a bibble...

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Bibble - what does it mean?

A very small stone that is perfectly round in shape. Similar to a pebble but unlike a pebble it is round.

β€œWow, look at that bibble!”
β€œThat is such a cute bibble”
β€œWatch you don’t trip on that bibble!”

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Bibble - meaning

One of those little stones that gets trapped in your shoe when you are walking.

"Stop a minute, I've got a bibble in my shoe I need to get out"

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Bibble - definition

an awesome woman who is the perfect companion. You can sit and watch movies, kick back in front of the game with a beer, or down at the dragstrip with you doing down the track and her looking on from the sidelines. You're even happy to wait in the store for hours while she picks out the perfect outfit or while she gets ready in the mirror in the morning. She's very passionate about the relationship and willing to go the extra mile to make you happy. True wife material.

My woman is better than good, she's my Bibble

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Bibble - slang

1.) An alien responsible for most of the significant technological advances in the last few decades. That's right; cell phones, Playstation 1 & 2, all of it. Some may have mistaken the accomplishments for the work of the Japanese, but it was definitely Bibble.
2.) Commonly seen chillin' with President Dave Chappelle and his three cloned white girls.

"It was Bibble, fo' shizzle, and it was all by Bibble."

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A book written by Master Shake and Lord Tachanka made for the anti toilets

Shake: The Bible!
Meatwad: that says the bibble...

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A magical creature from the Barbie Fairytopia and Mermaidia series who speaks in gibberish and occasionally sings opera when ingesting a variety of berries.

"Bibble NO!"

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Holy book for the entirety of mankind to follow whilst ironically and simultaneously used for the fellow man/woman to use it to his/her advantage to outsmart their fellow civilian to ascend to the top.

Anyone can read the bibble but NOT EVERYONE will know how to use it applicably to their life

Bibble > any other book in existence

β€œDamn I need to get myself a copy of that bibble” -anybody

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