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What is Best friends for Life?

Two whom share an intimate bonding between the same sexual partners.

Karissa "dude did i tell you i fuck so&so!"
Alejandra "i'm not surprised, you fuck the same dudes as me, but thats why were Best Friends For Life !"

👍47 👎61

Best friends for Life - video


Best friends for Life - what is it?

a best friend is some one hoo cares bout u hoo is always there for u and u wont let a guy get between u so if u have a best friend(s)hold on tight cause they can help u thru life:)

a guy can never come between u

👍147 👎67

What does "Best friends for Life" mean?

some one who is always there for you never pushes you around and is there for you always when you need it or not,they will come when your down or at 12 @ night to make sure your okay and someone who never looses hope for you.

she is my best friend for life i love her.

👍25 👎11