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What is Beat boxing?

Motor boating of the Butt Cheeks.

That bitch last night begged me for the Bakersfield Beat Box!!!!!!!!!

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Beat boxing - video


Beat boxing - what is it?

Funny song

Guy: tetris beat box

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What does "Beat boxing" mean?

When you have bad gas and keep farting, sounds like 3 dudes beat boxxing.

Man I hope no one comes into my office...I've been doing the butt beat box since my Thai lunch today.

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Beat boxing - what does it mean?

When you're in a group of people, and accidently fart, but to play it off, you start boom boxing, just in case someone heard it.

John: "oh yea, i saw that show last night,, *fart*... boom boom boomb ba boom boom ba boom bomb, DROP THE BEAT"

Leroy: "dude, did you just fart, then try to act like it was beat boxing?"

John: "Yea, i tried to use the "Beat Box Fart"

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Beat boxing - meaning

Any electronic device used to view pornographic material and masturbate (i.e., beat-off), particularly a device, such as a lap top, whose use is limited to viewing pornography and beating-off in order to avoid 1) infecting other devices with porn site viruses; and 2) situations where porn windows are left open or porn is in the search history and guests using a smart phone or household lap top will discover it.

I was working from home and saw my neighbor's hot wife bent over gardening from my office window. Instantly I had a raging titanium boner and was inspired to beat-off. So I put my work lap top away, grabbed my beat box, and commenced a solid 52 minute jerk session.

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Beat boxing - definition

When a dude screws his girl while a buddy of his hides in the closet beat boxing and the couple does it to his rhythm.

Yo man. I was beat boxing this chick while my homie was doin a jack in the box}

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Beat boxing - slang

A smart phone that is primarily used for looking at porn so that one gets aroused enough to whack off. It's a little box that is used to view hot chicks before you can beat your man sausage. Typically the owner of the device refers to it as his cell phone, but his friends routinely borrow it and sneak into the bathroom to spank it.

Hey Balls, what is all of this sticky shit on your beat box? Do you have an unlimited data plan cause I'm about to go gilf searching beeotch.

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Beat boxing

When a man/woman sucks a penis like a rapper holding a microphone. This can also be done with humming noises and with a variey of rhythms to enhance the beat box effect.

I got the best head last night, Susanna was beat boxing my shit like Vanilla Ice.

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Beat boxing

Originaly a drum machine. Used in the Hip-Hop/Rap culture.

Now known as making beats with your mouth.

In 1985 an MC named Doug E. Fresh introduced to the world the first human Beat Box. He did a song called "La Di Da Di" where he made the beat with is mouth and MC Ricky D (later known as Slick Rick) did ryhmes over it. The song became classic and people even tried to beat box as good as him.
There hasn't really been a good beat boxer than Doug E. Fresh, but nowadays theres another beat boxer named Rahzel that likes to copy song with beat box and make them as sound as close as possible. He is very excellent at human beat boxing and human turntablism

There a song called "Flash is on the Beat Box" by Grandmaster Flash which he uses a beat box, meaning a drum machine.

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Beat boxing

A term referring to loud oral sex

Luis is so loud when he's beat Boxing

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