Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Bazil?

A name for a guy who is usally gay and does what he can to fit into society. Anne is an original girl name and easy to remember. He chooses Anne so people will remember him and think of him as an original gay man

hey remember that guy Anne Bazile?

Oh Yeah that gay guy? What about him
He has changed the way i think of gay people

👍27 👎11

Bazil - meme gif

Bazil meme gif

Bazil - video


Bazil - what is it?

The "Bazil Bomb" is a mythological creature discovered in 1882 by the famous Jewish researcher Jaiden Pinzer. The Bazil Bomb is known for it's outrageous voice and it's strong scent of gas and beans; the Bazil Bomb is known for noticing things that are disgusting. It's DOB is unknown as nobody besides Jaiden Pinzer (The famous Jewish researcher) and Pomp Ag Mansta (A famous scientist who has a IQ of 420) have encountered this creature. Many people say they believe Bazil Bomb was held captivate in Alcatraz, if you ever do encounter Bazil Bomb and I quote: "hit that jawless fucking potato peel over the skull with a stick covered in lit napalm"-Pomp Ag Manster

We believe that the Bazil Bomb could be real but it is just a myth so the chances of it being real are unlikely

👍25 👎15

What does "Bazil" mean?

Extremely very hot and smart.bazil is usually a short Indian male but he can be tall. he may do some shitty stuff but that just means he is extremely attractive to everyone. If you make fun of a bazil VERY BAD things will happen.

HOTGIRL: have u heard of that hot guy named bazil
HOTGIRL2: oh yeah I wish he noticed me
HOTGIRL: same I just want him to love me

bazil: oh hello girls nice to be at your acquaintance

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Bazil - what does it mean?

A very nice little kid that loves roblox and is named after the plant of basile

Hi Bazile I want to be your friend

👍27 👎11

Bazil - meaning

1. usually a short male with a bald head. good with the ladies but too small to mount them.

2. A super cool homie that has a lazy eye.

girl 1 - I had Bazil last night he sure rocked my world

girl 2 - I hear you sister but i think he fell inside me, you wont see him again.

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Bazil - definition

Bazil is a beautiful man and he will always be by your side no matter what. Bazil is a very kind-hearted person, he is someone who you can really trust and love. Bazil has a really cute dog named Archie and he is bazil's first dog. bazil has some really cool friends who will always look out for him and always tell him what's best for him. Bazil has too many girls to choose from, every girl really likes Bazil and they would love to go out on a date with him.

Omg, I wish A Bazil was my boyfriend!

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Bazil - slang

Bazil / verb / -
A religion created by Max/Muc and Bee_ii after misspelling Brazil. This religion was ment to be ( unlike lmanberg lol ) and worships the country itself because it deserves to be ruled. Most people who are part of the Bazil religion has stated that they have nothing better to do with their life, but its ok cuz Bazil is superior. Only the best are given the power of Bazil! Join Bazil Now <3

Dumb friend : do you mean brazil?
Dumb friend : ....

👍45 👎15


If you find a Bazil then lucky you because he is a cutie pie and he's super handsome, he's very humorous and you will enjoy life when you find him. Every person likes Bazil they are all around a great person to be around

OMG IS THAT A BAZIL, he's so cute

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The term "Bazil" is used for someone who is fantastic. He is hot and tall and is the most fun person out there. He is an introvert and very shy but once you get to know him hes not shy at all.

"Do you know that boy? He really cute. His name must be Bazil"

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