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What is Bae jinyoung?

Bae Jinyoung is a member of Kpop group CIX.

Kpop idol rookies and peers look up to Bae Jinyoung for inspiration. They consider him as a role model because of his eye catching stage presence, his kindness towards others and his hard work. His heavenly vocals will leave you either crying or smiling.

Not only is this man talented and a role model for idols and fans but his beautiful features will leave you speechless.

Bae jinyoung is so talented *insert crying emoji’s *

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Bae jinyoung - video


Bae jinyoung - what is it?

bae jinyoung , also named baejin , is a member if the K-Pop group CIX . He is the center and also the most stunning human on earth . His visuals are no joke and his talents are unbelievably amazing . There is nothing this boy can’t do .

Person 1 : Oh look ! There is the perfect human performing on stage !!

Person 2 : You mean Bae Jinyoung !!

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