Definder - what does the word mean?

What is BWB?

boy with boobs. also known as bwbb; boy with big boobs

look at that BWB! he should get a bra or lose some weight.

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BWB - meme gif

BWB meme gif

BWB - video


BWB - what is it?

Besties With Benefits. Much like FWB (Friends With Benefits), but with your best friend.

It's so awesome that we're BWB!

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What does "BWB" mean?

Buddy With Boobs

When you plan to meet with some one and you want to be discreet, "I'm meeting a buddy....BWB"

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BWB - what does it mean?

BWB: Bitch With Baggage

I had to break up with ******* because she wouldn't stop whining. she was a classic BWB

What's a BWB?

Bitch With Baggage


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BWB - meaning

The abbreviation for BROADS WITH BRACES.

That BWB holds my stare, I think she's the most beautiful girl I know... She has more seffle than anyone I know.

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BWB - definition

Broken White Boy.
The type of boy that is not fully ok but he's attractive and has more dept than a gym bro so who cares?

Examples: Bucky Barnes, Draco Malfoy, and Kaneki Ken

"Great, another BWB for us to fix."

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BWB - slang

Noun: Acronym for Big Wallet Bachelor. The male species known as a man with a substantially large income, this is because SIZE does matter. To qualify for this position one must at least make a 6 figure income, but due to recent economic changes and inflation... one must make 7 to qualify.

Note: Money makes up for looks, so if he makes a 6 figure income---he can look like a 7/10.

OMG, Julia I found a BWB @ my office! He makes $151,000 a year...

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Acronym for Basic white bitch

Kari is so excited about fireworks on the beach. She’s such a BWB

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Blonde with Blue eyes

Look at that hot BWB there!

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The equivalent of a BWB (Basic White Bitch) but for the one who likes watching Queer Eye while doing poppers: the Basic White Bottom.

Nothing can stand between a good dick and this BWB’s cherry, not even protection.

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