Definder - what does the word mean?

What is BRUD?

Rhys Oliver moving mad to niamh meredith

hes a horny brud when he talks to her

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BRUD - meme gif

BRUD meme gif

BRUD - video


BRUD - what is it?

A slang term much like 'bro', 'dude' or 'man'. May be used to address a male or female.

"You going to the game tonight, bruds?"

"Nah dude, I'm staying home."

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What does "BRUD" mean?


thanksgiving with sell and fam was so brud. just waiting for that trytophan to start kickin in. lol.

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BRUD - what does it mean?

BRβ€’UD, noun
A term of endearment for one’s closest and most cherished friend. A long time buddy so close that he is like a brother.

Ex 1: Those guys are more than my friends, they are my Bruds

Ex 2: I’ve known Kevin for 20 years, he’s my Brud

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BRUD - meaning

one helluva dude
kinda like stud

The guy is such a brud

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BRUD - definition

the combo of bro and bud

yo brud whats up?

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BRUD - slang

A combination of "bro" and "bud" spoken primarily by males who use them interchangeably and, hence, have difficulty picking between the two. A low-key term of endearment among friends.

"You gonna finish that last slice of pepperoni, brud?"

"I couldn't steal Filly's girl β€” he's my brud."

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The skater-slang combination of butter and good/better than good; when a trick is smooth (like butter).

Used in the western states.

Pronounced "bruhd"

Jay: bro did you see how smooth that finger flip bomb drop was?!
Max: yeah man it was brud!

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An abriviation for the slang word "brotha", used mostly in the exclamatory form of speaking.

Brud! Those kicks are tight!

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Nickname for a guy. Slang from "brother" or "bruddha".

Imagine two young children at the arrival of a new brother, "we got us a new bruddha!", and with further shortening over time, the nickname of "Brud" sticks because his real name is too difficult to enunciate, and it's kinda cool.

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