Definder - what does the word mean?


The need or want of seeing samya twerk

I’m so bored right now, i think im BROCKHAMPTON

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BROCKHAMPTON - what is it?

dont join the discord its hell lmao

I browse the Brockhampton Leaks subreddit.

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What does "BROCKHAMPTON" mean?

A bunch of gay guys who fuck each other sometimes and tape their moans and sell them as music

Brockhampton is the best boy band since big time rush

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BROCKHAMPTON - what does it mean?

The greatest gay boy band of all time

I love Brockhampton

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odd future but with dickbreath

Yo have you checked out brockhampton?

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BROCKHAMPTON - definition

america's favourite boy band

i love brockhampton, their music is really good!

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buncha beautiful bummy ass niggas makin all types of music

except matt champion and jehoba they not niggas
except brockhampton is also when niggas fuck niggas

yoo you know brockhampton i heard they some niggas but they really just be fuckin other niggas i love em doe

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texas boyband

"yo heard of brockhampton"

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best boy band since one direction

wow i love brockhampton, saturation 3 is so good

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Brockhampton is the best and hardest working boyband in the world. They were founded in San Marcos, Texas by Kevin Abstract on a Kanye West fan forum. As of September 21, 2018 they have released four studio albums and a mixtape: All-American Trash (2016), Saturation I (2017), Saturation II (2017), Saturation III (2017), and Iridescence (2018).

The group consists of 14+ members, namely, Kevin Abstract, Matt Champion, Russell "Joba" Boring, Dom McLennon, Merlyn Wood, CiarΓ‘n "Bearface" McDonald, Henok "HK" Sileshi, Jabari Manwa, Romil Hemnani, Kevin Doan, Robert "Hola, me llamo Roberto." Ontinient, Ashlan Grey, Kiko Merley, and Jon Nunes.

Though not all members take part in the vocals (rapping and singing) of the music, every single one of these boys put in WORK to produce, manage, and expertly design every single song. Brockhampton is not only music, but also a creative factory that produces film, videos, branding, they are their own corporation, and they are their own family.

Yo, Brockhampton is a creative powerhouse, I heard they're the best boyband since One Direction.

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