Definder - what does the word mean?

What is BOKE?

Boke means "Knuckle head" in Japanese slang

Anata wa boke desu. You are a knuckle head.

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BOKE - what is it?

A web spelling of the Scottish/Northern Irish slang boak (which occurs because "boke" looks like how you'd spell it) which can mean either vomit or dry heave (the dry boak).

On BBC Scotland when Rab C. Nesbitt asked, "Got a wee touch of the boak, eh doll?" a lot of folks might have thought he said "boke" -- if they could understand his Glaswegian at all.

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What does "BOKE" mean?

To be presented with an unattractive prospect such that the gag reflex is vigorously invoked.

She's pure mingin, she gies me the boke.

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BOKE - what does it mean?

To mean in bed or asleep.
Using "OK" as a person when looked at sideways in between the word bed.
Sideways person in bed.

"yo man, stop texting me, i'm boKed"
"i think dondi is boKed"

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BOKE - meaning

Often mistakenly defined online as the act itself, in Scottish and Northern Irish slang boke refers to the gagging stage when you feel you're about to, just before actually puking.

Dumbass, don't confuse a boke with a puke -- if you can step in it, you didn't boke.

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BOKE - definition

To be sick, to boke

Where's Princess Anne?
I think she's in the car park boking up last nights kebab

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BOKE - slang

An anime/manga slang term for a character that is dumb acting, stupid and pretty much doesn't care about grades or studying. Bokes also tend to have advantages like a running skill or something that they don't use.Theey might also hit on people, and or become full of themselves from time to time. In most animes and mangas the boke would usaully be paired up with the tsudere.

Konata - The boke of Lucky Star
America - The boke of Hetalia

otaku, baka, boke

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When used as a noun, a boke is a personal stash of any drink. When used as a verb, boking describes drinking from such a stash. A boke can not be shared with more than one person, and a boke that is communally shared is no longer a boke. When sharing with your friends, typically out of courtesy or obligation, this is referred to as "bumping someone else's boke". Boke is not limited to alcoholic beverages, although it often refers to such.

(Noun) I don't want people sipping off of my boke, so I keep it locked up
(Verb) This party is lame, so I'm going to start boking

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To get adopted by city council

Chad: I just boked Alex.
JT: Its for the best my dude. You did the right thing.
Chad: Thanks bro. He will learn one day to stop being a shmole.

JT: One can only hope. 👊🏻

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The feeling of being sick or about to throw up.

"That smell is giving me the boke"
"Ew, your face is giving me the boke"
"I can't look at that wound, it's giving me the boke"

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