Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Knuckle head?


youre such a knuckle head

👍25 👎11

Knuckle head - video


Knuckle head - what is it?

noun: knuckle-head

a stupid person.

adjective: fucking

used to emphasize or express annoyance with someone or something.

noun: chuckle-head

a stupid person

Going opposing traffic with lights and sirens whilst the oncoming traffic does not pull to the right and stops directly in front of you with a deer and a head lights look.


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What does "Knuckle head" mean?

Really cool explitive that is not much of an explitive. Some thing I came up with in college and hope it sweeps the nation like wild fire.

Did you see your test score?

No...let me Knuckle Headed Catfish

👍35 👎45

Knuckle head - what does it mean?

A Knuckle-head McSpazatron is a very, very silly person. Is used as an insult.

First use was recorded in the SpongeBob SquarePants movie.

'You're a Knuckle-head McSpazatron!'

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Knuckle head - meaning

A member of one's social group that recently done something really stupid.

That knuckle-head Fred told me he feed his dog chili again.

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Knuckle head - definition

Someone of limited intelligence and with a mean nature. Who prefers using their knuckles/fists, to using their head.

That doorman looks a real knuckle head

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Knuckle head - slang

Someone who has just made a mistake or done something wrong. Often used in a joking manner between friends.

After arriving at the ski resort Pat discovered that he had forgot his skis to which his friends responded "Pat, you're a knuckle head!".

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