Definder - what does the word mean?


When one lumberjack hugs another from behind while eating chips and not wearing pants.

After cutting down a tree the King gave James a meatnormous gay blanchette.

👍125 👎69

BLANCHETT - meme gif

BLANCHETT meme gif



BLANCHETT - what is it?

To urinate in your pants/underwear/dress etc.
To pee your pants.
To let the yellow stream loose onto your own clothes.

If Adriana Barraza wins the Best Supporting Actress Oscar for her performance in Babel, I will Cate Blanchett.


Tom totally Cate Blanchetted when Stacey caught him cheating.

👍393 👎185

What does "BLANCHETT" mean?

a community for people who worship cate blanchett with all of their hearts.

first, they sell their souls to cate and then it's a lifelong commitment.

people call it addiction but really, it's just religion.

"what's your fandom called?"
"we're called the CHURCH OF BLANCHETT"

👍25 👎11

BLANCHETT - what does it mean?

Mummy of all the mummies

I’m a wh*re for Cate Blanchett

👍27 👎11

BLANCHETT - meaning

a incredibly talented actress that is only for the girls and the gays.

straight guy: “have you seen thor ragnarok?? Cate Blanchett is so hot!!”
lesbian: “shut up”

👍25 👎11

BLANCHETT - definition

The bestest human to ever exist but thinks shes worse than everyone for no apparent reason even tho shes perfect and is typically best friends with Grant Pattison

Emjay Blanchette loves Tim Hortons too much

👍25 👎11


Two time oscar winner with a big dick energy.

One of the greatest actress of our generation.

"who's your fave actress?"

"oh it's cate blanchett"

👍131 👎13


Cate Blanchett, the 2 time Oscar winner and the milf you somehow fell inlove with while watching Ocean's 8 or Thor Ragnarok and now you can't seem to stop watching all the movies that has her in it and have internal gay panics when you see a hint of her in any the movie.

"Have you watched the new movie with Cate Blanchett in it?, she looks so beautiful oh my god I cant even ewubfiaushfbwjonokdnwaamsxxcklmejoihqa0huofessojes"
"no.... but are you ok?"

👍31 👎11


noun; meaning a highly offensive and mildly retarded person of uncertain ethnicity.

Did you see that smelly hobo walk by? What a blanchette!

👍55 👎89


When you use your hands to wipe your ass and mildly enjoy it. It also may include wiping your manure on a piece of toast and feeding it to a pet or relative.

Person A: I was out camping and I ran out of toilet paper
Person B: Damn that sucks, did you have to do the Blanchett Method
Person A: yup

👍25 👎11