Definder - what does the word mean?

What is BIRDshit?

When you have spent the money to get attention for your shiny black BMW and lots of birds come along and shit all over your hood like they ain't got nothing better to do.

See that car in the driveway? Yeah that's my Birdshit Beemer ! Enjoy!

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BIRDshit - meme gif

BIRDshit meme gif

BIRDshit - video


BIRDshit - what is it?

Adjective; typically referring to a character in video gameplay (but can extend to real life circumstances) when π‡πžπšπ₯𝐭𝐑 is literally so impossibly low that β€œa bird shitting on you” would kill you, hence the term β€œbirdshit mode”. This term is typically used to convey your status to your teammate(s) during Co-op gameplay

Originating in Port Jefferson NY in 1998 during gameplay on the PlayStation video game console while playing the game β€œTwisted Metal 2”.

While engaging in gameplay and your character π‡πžπšπ₯𝐭𝐑 is so impossibly low

β€œI’m in birdshit mode”

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What does "BIRDshit" mean?

A young charlie lennie looking fag with a chode that gets shitted on while fucking a hoe named justine

Me and my friend Birdshit went to eat at KFC

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BIRDshit - what does it mean?

A nickname for any money grubbing hoe named Bridget.

Bridget;"I think that you should take me to the zoo, after you take me for lunch."

Kendall;" Hey BIRDSHIT, I think you should hop the fuck out of the car."

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BIRDshit - meaning

architecture development that look good from a height, from a "bird's eye view", but don't take into account the needs of people who walk on the ground.

development of this area is a birdshit

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BIRDshit - definition

1. Slur against white people
2. The same as "dogshit"

- Dude i hate you!
- You're such a birdshit.

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BIRDshit - slang

n. colloq. The more trivial instruments of the percussion section of an orchestra or band, namely the triangle, tambourine, sleigh bells, vibraslap, mark tree. Usally played by the more junior members of the percussion section.

Looks like I'm gonna have to play the birdshit instruments again!

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The action of pushing cum out of your ass after anal sex.

β€œHe blew a huge load in my ass, I need to take a birdshit”

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Banter from a group of women in a bar, as blokes bullshit when they have had a couple, women "birdshit".

I'v been with him over there, honest!!
This sounds like birdshit.

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A racist term for a white person

"Johnny is a Birdshit"

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