Definder - what does the word mean?

What is BELIEBE?

To Believe in or be a believer in Justin Bieber.

"I'm a Belieber"

👍3181 👎1641

BELIEBE - meme gif

BELIEBE meme gif

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BELIEBE - what is it?

A fan of and/or believer in Justin Bieber. In case it wasn't obvious, it's a combination of believer and Bieber.

When Neil Diamond's and Smash Mouth's hit song "I'm a Believer" was remade to "I'm a Belieber", all JB's fans similtaneously Biebergasmed and then procceded to Bieberblast the song on iTunes.

👍2615 👎1309

What does "BELIEBE" mean?

When a BELIEBER fangirls over Justin Bieber

Kidrauhl is so cute & kind. I love him so much! *continues*...Can't stop beliebing right now!

👍25 👎11

BELIEBE - what does it mean?

A person who loves Justin Bieber & beliebes in everything that he can do

I am a Belieber because i respect Justin Bieber and I believe in him.

👍5065 👎2321

BELIEBE - meaning

one who is an obsessive fan of justin bieber.

once i saw his face, i was a belieber.

👍7377 👎2927

BELIEBE - definition

Believe in Bieber

I belieb Justin Bieber is the best singer in the world.

👍239 👎77

BELIEBE - slang

A verb. The act of believing in Justin Bieber. To belieb is to support and love Justin Bieber for everything he has to stand for. When you belieb you become more than a just a fan, it puts you at a whole new level: a belieber.

Justin don't ever be discouraged, we belieb in you.

👍305 👎91


A fanbase for the one and only Justin Bieber. The word Belieber comes from Believe and Bieber. Beliebers take up about 86% of Twitter users. Beliebers are the worlds biggest Fandom making up 34% of the World's population. When Justin's twitter account got hacked, the police got 15,000 calls from Beliebers.
A fan knows Selena Gomez.
A Belieber knows Avalanna Routh.
A fan knows Madison Square Garden
A Belieber knows Avon Theatre.
A fan knows Justin Bieber
A Belieber knows Kidrauhl

Google: Best fans on the planet
...Did you mean Beliebers?

👍837 👎223


the most terrifying music fanbase out there

person: justin biebers music sucks
Belieber: *sends death threats*

👍877 👎231


Belieber is a HUGE Justin Bieber's fan. Fan and Belieber is really different, Fan will leave him just because a little thing, but Belieber is not going to leave him eventhough the biggest thing that can break a relationship.

Fan: I love Justin Bieber! Belieber: I love KIDRAUHL! Fan: who's Kidrauhl? Belieber: GTFO!

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