Definder - what does the word mean?

What is BASIC white girl?

A basic white girl is a white girl who wears crocs, they stare at everyone, they talk mad shit, they have their group of like 3-4 people and all of them are basic white bitches, they all wear skinny jeans, and all of them drink Starbucks. All they do is stare at people and talk sum mad game, but then dont speak up when you say sum to them."Basic white girl"!!!

Me-"Look at this basic white bitch over here, shes texting on her iPhone and walking around in her ugly Ass crocs"

Jen-"I know they think they all that, but they aint"

Me-"Oh no, they pointing and staring at us. Great, well here comes the drama!!!

White girl-"Why were you staring at me you bitch, like do have a problem!!! "

Me-"No we are not even talking bout you so just get the fuck away."

White girl-"Ughhhh what the hell us your problem!!!"

Me-"You bitch!!!"

Jen-"Oh shit FIGHT!!!"

Me-"Im out i dont wonna deal with shit right now, adios putas!!!"

Jen-"That's just a basic white girl with her starbucks, jeans, crocs, and her iPhone!!!"

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BASIC white girl - video


BASIC white girl - what is it?

A girl who religiosly only eats at Chipotle and drinks Starbucks coffee. If she dosn't get her starbucks in the morning don't mess with her.

Alex: Hey you hanging with your girl today?

Trent: No way man the Starbucks near my house moved locations. I can't see her today I'm too young to die.

Alex: Wow sounds serious, good job being cautious bro. Got to watch out for those basic white girls.

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What does "BASIC white girl" mean?

A female who conforms to her surroundings and claims she is unique. She often drinks Starbucks, wears Ugg boots in August, and posts selfies on social networking sites every. single. day. Also uses hashtags that don't have anything to do with the picture itself.

Girl 1: Hey, let's go to Starbucks and wear leggings with Uggs!
Girl 2: OMG YES. We are so basic!
Girl 1: Take a picture! Hashtag yay us, basic white girls, Starbucks, bye, like, what

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BASIC white girl - what does it mean?

A girl who:
*takes selfies 24/7 with only half of her face showing or with the snapchat dog filter
*loves Starbucks
*wears ugg boots
*uses the words actually and literally a lot
*abuses emojis and hashtags
*over obsessed with herself and friends, often times coupled with being clingy as hell

Boy 1: Hey, did you see that new girl Cienna. She's pretty cool right?

Boy 2: Nah fam, she's a basic white girl.

Boy 1: But she's not white

Boy 2: My bad, basic wanna be white girl. But still basic.

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BASIC white girl - meaning

Basic White Girl. She Has no personality of her own. She will follow any trend on TikTok or instagram You will most likely see a "basic white girl" in a Thrashers crop-top and booty shorts. She will listen to billie eilish and claim to be deeply depressed, whilst hanging her tongue out for likes on the internet.

She's been following every trend, she's such a basic white girl

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BASIC white girl - definition


Always on phone
Says β€œlike” too much
Takes too many photos of her
Takes too many photos of her dog
Watches Pretty Little Liars
Watches Friends
Liked Pitch Perfect
Can quote Mean Girls and Clueless
Uses filters on all photos
Works out
Wears crop tops
Wears short shorts

That blonde over there must be a basic white girl. You can tell by the Starbucks in her left hand and her iPhone in her right.

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BASIC white girl - slang


Lots of selfies

Dog pictures

I love you all over tumblr

Heart emojis

Leggings as pants

Forever 21


Straightens hair even though it's already straight

Instagrams food

Thin ass hair

Uses name was username

Tries to be a photographer by taking a picture and putting an edit over it

Takes picture of legs in a tub

Pretty little liars

Can quote mean girls

Enjoyed pitch perfect


Oh god jess is so white I don't even understand

She just looks like a basic white girl

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BASIC white girl

A girl who is "normal" and does whatever all the other white girls do.
Loves Starbucks, Adidas, Pink, Uggs, Birkenstock, and has 50+ Snapchat streaks that they CANNOT lose or they will die.
Boy crazy.

Girl puts a selfie of her with Starbucks on her story.
BOY: "She's such a basic white girl dude!"

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BASIC white girl

1. Bad attitude

2. Wears Ugg boots

3. Wears Converse shoes

4. Wears anything that is in style

5. Lives on social media

6. Acts like life is hard

7. Acts older than she really is

8. Takes selfies all the time

9. Lives on phone

10. Thinks she is different but is just another stereotypical white girl

11. "I have a lot of friends"

12. Complains about friends

13. Always knows how many followers she has on Instagram

14. Looks at her own selfies

15. Denies that she is clichΓ©

16. Texts friends instantly, but nobody else

17. Acts better then everyone under her age

18. Gets mad over unnecessary reasons

19. Wears leggings atleast 3 times each week

20. Wears shirts not from her time period that she knows nothing about

21. Has stale/overused quotes as wallpaper on phone

22. Has an excessive amount of selfies with her and her friends on phone

23. Watches whatever is popular on Netflix

24. Drives or wants a Volkswagen Beetle for car

25. Lazy but acts and dresses like she is an athlete

"She is just another basic white girl." -David
"Agreed" -Gillian

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BASIC white girl

A girl who thinks she's so different from the others, but conforms to all of the popular trends.

Starter Kit:

Γ— starbucks
Γ— chipotle
Γ— nutella
Γ— aeropostale
Γ— forever21
Γ— crop tops
Γ— lululemon yoga pants
Γ— fjallraven kanken bags
Γ— hydroflask
Γ— scrunchies
Γ— checkered slip-on vans
Γ— white converse sneakers
Γ— ugg boots
Γ— iPhone + airpods
Γ— instagram
Γ— snapchat
Γ— selfies
Γ— netflix

Ugh, Avery is such a basic white girl. She's got yoga pants, white converses, scrunchies, and a hydroflask.

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