Definder - what does the word mean?


Lana's love of her life.

Baekhyun: Hey Lana I love you

Lana: You're the love of my life!

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BAEKHYUN - meme gif

BAEKHYUN meme gif

BAEKHYUN - video


BAEKHYUN - what is it?

What can I say about baekhyun is there a word for accurate enough to describe him?. He must be the most talented person in the world his vocal colour is so pretty you want to hear him sing in your funeral. He is literally an angel how can someone not love him it's impossible. He's the most handsome sexy and cute guy ever, you want to be next to him all the time and he'll be able to cheer you up. He's also in a group that everyone loves and makes a lot of money

Someone: baekhyun is so dreamy
Me: bitch I know .....

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What does "BAEKHYUN" mean?

Baekhyun is the fuckin* definition for a gay ass man. I mean look at him.
His ass? Gay, perfect for a wild night with Sehun or Chanyeol.
His aura? Gay.
His smile? Gay.
His eyes? Gay.

He makes everyone hElla gay out there.

no example needed.
ly sweeties <3
baekhyun is hella cute and awesome, just as you. I hope you smiled, bcs of this. ;)

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BAEKHYUN - what does it mean?

from EXO (south korea boy group)
born -May 6th
cheerful and loves everyone!
his smile feels warm


Baekhyun: *smiles*

Everyone: -dies-

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BAEKHYUN - meaning

Baekhyun is the synonyme of god but on crack, he is godly and his cum is basically holy water you'll be blessed everytime he ejaculates on you

May baekhyun ejaculate on you

Oh my baekhyun

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BAEKHYUN - definition

A name given in South Korea to a perfection who was born in 6th May 1992 a.k.a my husband. Sorry
Baekhyun is the type of guy who's easy-going with his surrounding and not afraid to meet new people. But no worries to be his girlfriend. He may seem close to girls but the moment you caught his heart, there will be no way out for him. So, if you meet a Baekhyun, don't let him go. Cause he's a keeper girlll

But hey don't misunderstood him as to will never leave you. He's a keeper, but you shouldn't kick too many balls at him. Cause he got his limit too

He's a wholesome package of boyfriend material that girls need. He has the personality, the face, the body, and he truly loves one girl. So let's search for our Baekhyun

"Do you mind marrying me, Baekhyun ?"

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BAEKHYUN - slang

Typically a korean name given to a guy.
Baekhyun is a very fun, loud guy. He is not afraid to be himself and has a tendency to fanboy over pretty girls.
He is an amazing singer and his vocal ability is sky high
He is somewhat perverted as he likes to be very close to people, but this should not be mistaken as an actual pervert because his actions are just a confirmation that he is very comfortable with you and enjoys being in your company.

Baekhyuns middle name is perfection. His appearance is enough to take ones breath away

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Byun Baek-hyun (Korean: λ³€λ°±ν˜„; Hanja: ι‚ŠδΌ―θ³’), better known as simply Baekhyun, is the lead vocalist of Exo-K. He was born on May 6, 1992 in Bucheon, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea. Baekhyun was studying for his college musical entrance exams when he joined the label.

Baekhyun was one of the last members to join EXO and was revealed as the group's ninth member on January 30, 2012.

Baekhyun is also known as a little shit or a hot mess, being sassy and cute yet also sexy and a teased. He has an extremely complicated relationship with his fellow member, D.O (a.k.a Kyungsoo) Many fans ship him with the main rapper Chanyeol. Their so called ship is called Baekyeol.


Baekhyun plans to kill us all with his hair and sass.
An example of Baekhyun's relationship with Kyungsoo:

Example 1:

Kyungsoo: *coughs*

Baekhyun: *sarcastically imitates him for 3 days and 12 hours.

Example 2:


Kyungsoo: Wow, can you like shut up?

Example 3:

Baekhyun: *lays on floor*

Kyungsoo: Why is there trash on the floor?

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such a buetifull man from exo he is the cutest man

stan talent or...dont stan talent???

omg i fell in love with Baekhyun!!!

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The most effective cure for bad and sad days.

Stan Byun Baekhyun for a happy life.

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