Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Avanters?

a terrible cheating liar who has thousands of side hoes and tries to flatter a girl so he can get in her panties

"Baby, you're the only one." said Avante.
"Okay, I used to be into her." said Avante.
"Everyone else is lying, I dont like her, I like you.

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Avanters - meme gif

Avanters meme gif

Avanters - video


Avanters - what is it?

The most annoying person you will ever meet. Usually lanky and shaped like a bread stick. Think they are peng with their Gucci scarf.

Omg look at the guy he is defo called avante,

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What does "Avanters" mean?

Avante is a name often used for a jerky uncanny type of guy. Avante will not have many friends for his attractiveness, descriptiveness, and even annoying eye rolling behavior. If you have this name i suggest you change it in your local court NOW

Ugh, Avante is so annoying.

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Avanters - what does it mean?

The biggest fuck boy in the the world. Never trust an Avante they will fuck you over .

his ex : you're dating Avante ?

his girl : yea why ?

his ex : watch out he is going to fuck you over .

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Avanters - meaning

Ex-Admin of see nazi

Avanters banned and modded people and screwed up the forum. He's a nazi.

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Avanters - definition

The literal GOAT

Guy one: Yo you heard of Avant

Guy two: Yeah he’s the best basketball player there is.

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Avanters - slang

An inbred cajun. Avants is usually associated with having an abnormally large underbite. Avants usually talks alot of sh*t, but never delivers because he is a pussy.

Get some rosetta stone for english, you inbred avants fuck.

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Female. Born Leader. Loving, kind and intelligent. Soulful Goddess. A Queen. Healer. Often shows emotion through words, music and or gifts. Communication is important to a female gifted this name. Strength and courage. This female tends to hold the key to many hearts but only wants one. Faithful and true. She holds the essence of God's love. Her eyes tells stories from her soul. Respect. Loyalty. Royalty. Lightness. Love.

The moment his eyes connected with Avante, he knew.

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Cute, loving, and kind. Avant is the richest kid with lots of swag and mostly plays basketball or football.

Hey, Avant.

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Exceptionally great representation of a boyfriend; funny; sarcastic; lovable; interesting; football player; rude; handsome; intense

There Adriana was, sitting with Avante, and she couldn't keep herself from smiling.

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