Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Auto-erotic asphyxiation?

non fatal strangulation during sexual intercourse in order to heighten sexual orgasm.

sally said "tom tried auto erotic asphyxiation on me last night..that sicko"

👍173 👎197

Auto-erotic asphyxiation - video


Auto-erotic asphyxiation - what is it?

Death/unconciousness as a result of any blockage of the windpipe during a sexual act. Usually when this phrase is used, it is in reference to something that proved to be fatal for the person involved.

Auto-erotic asphyxiation is not to be confused with strangulation methods that may heighten arousal in some individuals during sex. The act of asphyxiation involves either death or unconciousness.

They found Senator Smith's body last week in the red light district. Apparently he died of auto erotic asphyxiation. The media will have a field day with this!

👍259 👎193

What does "Auto-erotic asphyxiation" mean?

When southerners see a truck so large that it takes their breath away.

"Officer, this man was found next to his spilled sweet tea. He has a stain on his pants and appears to have suffocated naturally. Looks like another case of auto-erotic asphyxiation."

"Thanks, Doctor. That jacked up Ford F-350 with the truck nutz must have driven through the neighborhood again."


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