Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Aup?

Used by the one and only D.N when greeting his friends. The word 'Fellas' can be replaced the 'Boys', 'Lads' and such other synonyms. Is usually produced with a emphasis, as though the user is shocked. Is built on the Yorkshire dilect

Bloody hell, Aup fellas! Fancy seeing you here?!
Y'allright, Aup Fellas! Got League on't back bollock haven't I.

👍27 👎13

Aup - meme gif

Aup meme gif

Aup - video


Aup - what is it?

Both up and down

Like in Monty Python, when the sun was jumping up and down.
The sun was jumping aup.

👍29 👎27

What does "Aup" mean?

when someone says what you say "aup"

you: "guess what"
person: "what"
you: "aup"

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Aup - what does it mean?

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Aup - meaning

Another Useless Post

Ricemarine is neffing again. This is a perfect example of Another Useless Post (AUP).

👍113 👎61

Aup - definition

1. To say Hello
2. A friendly greeting

Maria walked past her friend Steven ad shiuted Aup to him across the street.

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