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What is Audubon's?

A high school in which untalented basketball players transfer to in order to get playing time.

Chris Delvechio goes to Audubon High School

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Audubon's - meme gif

Audubon's meme gif

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Audubon's - what is it?

A highschool in New Jersey known for it's:
homophobia and ignorance.

Horrible Sports Teams.
Bad Music Taste.
Fat People.

A.K.A Whiteubon.

"Did you go to Audubon High School?"
"Yeah man, why do you think I'm such a douche?"

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What does "Audubon's" mean?

An avenue in Upper Manhattan that begins at 165th St and runs to 193rd St where it meets Ft George Hill. It is between the commercial thoroughfares of Amsterdam and St
Nicholas Avenues, which are the main arteries of the Heights along with Broadway. If anything, Audubon Avenue has a reputation as a rough area, even today when the Heights ands all of NYC is gentrifying at a rapid pace. Audubon maintains it's "roughness" and is still like it was in the old days. Probably the most famous product to be sold on Audubon is "haze" which is synonymous with Audubon and the Heights. Weed, especially haze, is so common on Audubon that everyone from suburbanites to rappers are buying weed there. Audubon Avenue is also home to George Washington H.S. former home to everyone from Manny Ramirez to Henry Kissinger.

"And I done copped from every damn haze spot on Audubon!" - rapper Hell Rell of the Dipset in a 2007 rhyme.

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Audubon's - what does it mean?

A town in New Jersey stuck between Collingswood and Haddonfield. Audubon (aka White-a-bon) has a football team that never wins and a reputation for street drugs. The streets are roaming with soccer moms a their SUV's and teenagers with their "Suped Up" rides. Don't get caught out past 11 on weeknights because the cops have nothing better to do then personally deliver you to mommy and daddy. The main attractions are high school sports events and that party you're never invited to. You're better off haning out in Collingswood. And Audubon Highschool is the definition of Cliq.

Audubon vs. Camden....

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Audubon's - meaning

Home to three medal of honor recipients, Audubon is a Borough in Camden County, New Jersey. Audubon is a middle class blue collar town that enjoys baseball, Philadelphia sports, and beer. If you have a problem with that you're probably a dick. And yes, our football team comprised of 5'8 200lb offensive linemen and slow white...well every position doesn't fair too well usually. But Audubon's own Joe Flacco is doing us proud.

Only someone who climbed out of a cess-pool would think Audubon's people are stuck up and only someone from Haddonfield would think Audubon is trashy.....well at least the town itself as a whole, lets be honest, a few mutants always dwell in the apartments by WaWa.

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Audubon's - definition

A town full of stuck up bitches and retarted assholes. Everybody acts tuff to front for their baby dicks, and wont amount to shit in life because their mommys and daddys buy them everything because their too damn lazy to work for shit.

Living in Audubon is like having your eyes gauged out and fed to the fattest duche-bag pig in town(donny).

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Audubon's - slang

A town in New Jersey stuck between Collingswood and Haddonfield. Audubon (aka White-a-bon) has a football team that never wins and a reputation for street drugs. The streets are roaming with soccer moms and their SUV's and teenagers with their "Suped Up" rides. Don't get caught out past 11 on weeknights because the cops have nothing better to do then personally deliver you to mommy and daddy. The main attractions are high school sports events and that party you're never invited to. You're better off hanging out in Collingswood. And Audubon Highschool is the definition of Cliq.

Kid #1: Yo dawg we need some crack, should we go to camden?
Kid #2: No way, lets just go to Audubon, there's less black people.

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town in new jersey outside philly. worst town when it comes to people and parties

"yo dude" "you going to the party in audubon?"
"really a party!?"
"yeah its gonna be awesome, 30 guys and one 30 of miller"

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The worst party town in Southern New Jersey

Kid 1: "Hey u know of any parties going on tonight?"
Kid 2: "As a matter of fact I do, there's one going on in Audubon tonight."
Kid 1:" Oh it gonna suck for sure"

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very boring, filled w stoners, no one hangouts here bc it’s boring as fuck, usually goes heights hf or colls😹 everyone’s fake & what’s a green wave

β€œwhat’s a green wave?”
β€œew audubon”

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