Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Arf's?

African refugee face. The face that you make when you are embarrassed. It looks like an upside down grin, you make this face when you are in an awkward situation. This face looks like a person of african descent when trying to smile in a photo.

Mike: Did you see those ugly betty last night it sucked.
Nicole: Arf arf i love that show.
Mike: why are you arfing.

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Arf's - meme gif

Arf's meme gif

Arf's - video


Arf's - what is it?

Term meaning a person of African decent who cannot swim or swim well. Derived from the acronym A.R.F. which stands for African Rock Fish. Used by lifeguards or ride attendants in the U.S. northeast who generally work at the jersey shore or water parks near large urban areas.

Hey Bob, keep an eye on that Arf heading for deeper water.

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What does "Arf's" mean?

This word was commonly used in the British magazine PC Gamer and later spread from their official forums to several IRC channels and other forums.

When someone would make a joke that is funny as well as slighting shocking (although this last part has become optional) people would reply with a simple "Arf!"

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Arf's - what does it mean?

A doglike sound used to ward off haters or opponents...

Arf! Nickelodean (yelled at the Rucker after dunkin' on a wanksta who thought they was all that)

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Arf's - meaning

a word used when someone makes a corney joke, bad pun, etc.

" you glad i didn't say banana?"

(roll your eyes) "arf."

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Arf's - definition

A colloquial term suggesting attraction or general liking to or of a person.

β€œbro look at that hot broad”
β€œarf arf”

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Arf's - slang

Doggy sound which can be substituted to woof, bowow, etc.

Dog: arf! arf! arf! arf! arf!

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(Barking) something the Ishowspeed does. He is a famous YouTuber And streamer, he streams on twitch and YouTube and he also drops fire songs


Someone says something offensive to speed:

Speed barking: ARF ARF

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A response to something that is really unfunny.

Alan: I fucked your mum last night hahahaha.
James: ...arf arf.

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A reply to a horrible, lame, or downright pointless joke. You also finish it with an epic "line face" (definition elsewhere)

"Hahahaha, It's raining! God must be shaving his waterblock today!"
"arf arf arf."
*line face*

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