Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Anuk?

A discord user, also the developer of "Mindustry" and "Mindustry Classic". He is most likely seen having a profile picture of a cat, presumably his.

Have you seen Anuke(n), he is a pretty nice guy.

👍25 👎11

Anuk - meme gif

Anuk meme gif

Anuk - video


Anuk - what is it?

anuk aka "$tash" blazes on the regz and does not comply with Educational Autorities. Is often found on the run from Law Enforcement Agencies and handling HSBC cardz with T.

anuk linked Duwa for the Stash...then proceeded to Sooteye'z free yard to film 'SOOTYS YARD' Part 4.

👍43 👎89

What does "Anuk" mean?

When a person licks their boss/teacher's butthole shamelessly for recognition and then proceeds to eat the remnant pieces of shit from their morning dump that are hanging from said boss/teacher's butthole hairs. The boss/teacher aknowledges him/her and rewards them with gifts for their achievements. Rewards include; early morning handjobs.

The word is derived from the scientific name for butthole: anus.

A: How the fuck did that dude get an A on the test?
B: He's an anuk.

👍35 👎35

Anuk - what does it mean?

Sir Shags-a-lot
Grade A boner
Biggest biceps currently present in the universe
Evader of tax
Mother of Five
Most likely to be divorced in a car crash

You see that anuk over there, yeah, his wife left him with nothing but hid five children and crippling debt.

👍29 👎23

Anuk - meaning

Anuk is an extremely handsome, smart, funny, and kind person, a guy named Anuk is the human embodiment of perfect. Meeting an Anuk is a close as you will come to meeting god. This term and name is used to describe the up most perfect of the human race and all that is good in this world. All should be privileged to know or to even see an Anuk.

God damn, thats and Anuk right there.

👍71 👎51

Anuk - definition

Short version of name "Anahit"
Very cute, beautiful, kind, sweet
Anuk=Perfect Girl

Hey dude look, this is Anuk!

👍65 👎45

Anuk - slang

Anuk is Hori/Coconut word meaning Asshole

Hori guy; "Seig Fukn Heil bruv, you see that honky over there"
Coconut guy; " Hard dawg hard"
Hori guy; "He loves it up the ANUK dawg"
Coconut guy; "Ewwww you saying that white guy a gay fag gee?"
Hori guy; "Yeah dawg, we should fuk him up"
Coconut guy; " Awww Hard dawg Hard"

👍97 👎63


Another word for anus, usually used when talking about anal sex

Person 1: Hey, I heard you tried anuk in the weekend?

Person 2: Yeah, was some pretty good anuk

👍53 👎17